Chapter 21

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You help him stand.

Out of the couple times you've seem him back in the facility, this is the only time you've seen his clothing so dirty.

You giggle. "Look at us. We're look like walking corpses."

He laughes. "It feels so... refreshing to be outside again." He comments, letting out a sigh of content.

"Tell me about it." You take in a breath of fresh air.

He walks forward a little, examining a tree. "You'll have to teach me about modern life, Y/n."

"Modern life?" You question.

He nods, looking at you.

"Uhm... okay."

"We should hurry, however."

"I agree. We don't want to be hit by the radiation, if there is any." You add.

He shares a nod.

He looks around. "Where do you propose we go?"

"Preferably away from there." You point behind you with your thumb.

You both start walking.

The soft crunches from some of the fallen leaves fills the air. Much better than your shoes hitting metal.

The fresh air was so refreshing too.

"Isn't nature beautiful?" You comment, in a admiration phase.

"I do think it is nice. No signs of the pestilence."

You look at the sky to see it was turning orange. The sun was rising.

You smile.

A little ways through the forest, the trees cleare, revealing a field of cut grass.

And a perfect view of the oncoming sunrise.

You could sware your smile got wider. "We made it." You say as you both look onward.

He hums. "We did indeed."

You both take a moment to look at the sunset. 049 inches closer and holds your hand.

You look at him and smile.

You lean in... before hearing a distant voice.

You stop and look to your left.

You could a person and a child in the distance.

"035 and his child... they made it." You comment.

049 hums.

035 looks over, seeing you two. He gave a small wave before saying something to the child and pointing. The child looks over.

"Good luck!!" She yells, waving.

You smile and wave back. "You too..." You mumble.

"Come on, let's continue on. We need to find hopefully civalization, but if need be, we could make our own shelter."

"Uhh... I don't think you can live in a city..." You say.

"Why not?"

You turn to face him. "That phase you go through when you're near someone... you'll draw a lot of attention onto yourself, when we should lay low."

"Ah... Hmm..." He seem to start thinking.

You distract yourself by staring into the sunset again.

"I think I'll be alright." He says out of no where.

You look at him. "Huh?"

"Do you recall back in my cell? How... agitated I was?"

You nod.

"I've been around the pestilence for a long time... so I think i will be able to hold myself back."

"...If you're sure."

"Come along, now." He says as he walked forward into the field.

You smile. "Alright."

You follow.

You take a moment to let it all in.

The gentle breeze hitting your sweat-drentched skin. Your lungs finally happy with some fresh air. Your shoulder no longer complaining about the gun wound.

The breeze flowing on the grass, making them all dance in sync.

And 049's robe flowing in the wind too.

It's perfect. All of it.

You look up at the orange sky.



A couple hours went by after that. Seeming as walking was the only way of travel, you already took in the fact that it would probably be a long time before you found a city, or any signs of humans for that matter.

Of course, because you were walking for hours straight, it wasn't unexpected for your ankles to be screaming in pain.

049 ahead, however, seems to be doing better than you were. Still, it seems like he was struggling too.

"I think we should... take a break." You say after a while.

He stops in his tracks. You copy him. He let out a relieving sigh. "I have to agree." He says.

He sounds exhausted too.

"Do you think we could find a spot with some shade?"

"I think so, yes. The forest is just over there." He points.

You nod even though he was facing forward. "M'kay."

Just a little more walking, before you two found a spot worth resting at.

Since the sun was out still, you had to find a a place with shade so that you wouldn't become a lobster.

The spot was under a big tree, still filled with leaves.

You sit down next to it, 049 joining you.

You sigh, content. You made it.

You lay down. 049 copies you.

You look over to him, and decide something stupid. You scoot up next to him, and lay your head on his chest, and hug him.

His shaky gasp indicates his surprise, but none the less, he wraps an arm around you too.

You smile, and close your eyes.

End of Chapter 21

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now