Chapter 9

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It's been a couple of minutes since you and 049 left that break room and continued on your journey to get the hell out of here.

Where is 'here' exactly?

Also, another thing on your mind.

What the hell does 'SCP' mean?

He said his name was SCP-049. What does that mean? Is that your inmate number?

You couldn't get the damned thing off your mind.

You decide to finally lift your head to take in your surroundings while taking a drink of whatever was in your hand.

Oh, right. While you were in the break room, you also broke into the beverage vending machine and took a couple of bottles. It's not that important, though.

You've also been thinking about when you two started over. Why didn't he shake your hand? There wasn't anything there when you looked at it...

The next door that opens wasn't what you expect. Insteed of another hallway greeting you, it was a gate with a elevator to the side.

Both of you halt your movements as you look between the gate and elevator.

You walked past the doctor towards the gate, and examined the number pad. "Do you know the code?" You ask 049.

He shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't know anything about this gate."

"Well... maybe the elevator leads somewhere?" You suggest.

He looks at it. "I suppose it could, yes!"

He enters the elevator and you follow. He pushes the only button there, then the doors closes.

The dim light in the elevator and the grinding noise as it descends didn't help this eerie feeling you had.

You didn't even know what's down here, let alone if it's safe or not.

While you were busy being nervous, the elevator doors slowly opens.

You blink as 049 steps out of the elevator, you quickly following.

Not a single light was on. It was almost pitch black with you only being able to see a couple feet ahead of you. The hallways were pretty small compared to the other ones you've walked through. Seems like you don't have a choice but to contimue.

"Do you... know where we're headed?" You ask, wincing at the echo of your own voice.

"Hmm... I wouldn't say I did, no." You could barely see him shake his head.

You lightly hum as you lower your head again, before you hear familiar footsteps walking away from you. You quickly snap out of your phase and caught up with him.

"I would prefer you stay close to me." He place a gentle hand on your shoulder and move you a step closer to him. "Who knows what is down here."

A weird tingly feeling came from his hand when it landed on your shoulder. The thoughts about the feeling kept you from being embarrassed. "Uhh, yeah, sure."

His hand left your shoulder, then you both continue walking.

Your's and the doctor's footsteps echo more in the small hallways more than normal. It felt eerily quiet.

After walking down for some time, you both notice a room to the right. 049 hums as he enters with you following.

The room seems to be a type of storage room. Except for it being packed, it was mostly empty. Only a couple items were lying around.

You walk closer to one of the shelves, and look at the items.

A piece of paper... a random battery... another paper... goggles... another bat--

Wait, goggles??

You stop in your tracks and took a step back. You pick up the goggles and examine them.

They seem to be generic goggles, but what really caught your eye was there was a battery slot and an off-and-on switch.

You curiously put the goggles on and flipped the switch.

Everything turned green! But not only that, but you could see better through the dark!

"Oh my! What are those goggles?" 049's voice boomed out with pure curiosity.

You turn to look at him, and noticed he was right in your face, examining the goggles.

You clear your throat to get the cobwebs out, before speaking. "They seem to be some type of... night vision goggles?" You question yourself as you look around with it.

"Ah! How useful! Perhaps we could use it to explore these hallways, hm?" He suggests.

"We could." You say.

You noticed the bar on the right. Half battery.

You looked back on the shelf, and took the couple batteries on it.

After searching the rest of the room, you both exited and returned to the hallways once more.

But now with your night vision, you were able to see down the hallways instead of slowly walking to see if you're going to bump into something or not.

Another half of you also hate that you were being the one in the lead.

"I guess we should get moving." You comment as you start walking.

The doctor agrees and he follows you.

You walk in silence for a bit,

until you turn the corner.

Your eyes widen as your footsteps halte. 049 copies you and tilt his head. "What is it?" He ask in a calm manner.

You raise a clammy hand and point out towards the hallway.

"What the fuck is that??" You yell.

End of Chapter 9

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now