Chapter 11

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The elevator was a couple rooms away at that point. 049 tended to your arm wound, bandaging it up. He also mentioned that he took the opportunity to collect a blood sample from you using a test tube. You didn't really like the idea, but he already had it, and you don't feel like fighting him for your blood sample back.

The wound still stings, but when you asked if 049 had any painkillers, he denis giving it to you due to it being a 'self-proclaimed cure', says the self-proclaimed cure. So that pisses you off a little.

Also something else you notice is how god damn tired you were.

Every step you took, your feet complains. Every breath you inhale, your throat has to almost cough it back out. Every movement your legs has to make, it achs. A lot.

You weren't surprised when 049 notices. "Oh my... It seems you're even more exhausted than before. I think we should stop."

Your eye twitch as you had flashbacks to the first time. "N-no. I'll be fine."

You try walking past him, but he places a hand on your shoulder. "I'm afraid of you continue on, you'll collapse. You need rest."

"I'm... fine..." You slowly say.

His next words were just mumbles to you as you seem to focus on the ground.

That's a nice... floor...

Since you were being unresponsive, 049 shook you. Still no response. Right when he was going to look at your face, you collapse. into his arms.


".../n... Y/n... Y/n? Dear, please wake up!"

Your eyes slowly open due to the urgency in the voice.

Where are you?

You look around. This place seemed... familiar.

"There you are!" A sudden voice behind you spoke.

You jump and turn around.

A random face you've never seen greets you. "Umm... hi?"

"Do you know why you're here?" They ask.

"No... I don't. Where am I?" You respond.

"You're at the hospital. You suffered a minor concussion." They tell you.


Then everything around the room made since.

"Is... is my family okay?"

"They are, as a matter of fact. Would you like to see them?"

"Yes please."

The person nods with a smile then left.

You wait a little while before several pairs of footsteps were outside the door. Then it open, revealing---

"□●■♤♤○££¡  ₩₩□♡♡●¥◇!"

...Not your family.

People with static for faces approached you. One of them hugged you while static played in your ears. The static grew louder... and louder... and...



You shot awake, instantly sitting up. You hear a sharp inhale, which cause you to look at said sound. "Y/n! Are you alright?"

Confusion struck you as you were trying to catch your breath.

What was that...?

Then another question hit you.

What happened?

A pair of gentle hands lands on your shoulders, encouraging you to turn. You follow through to see 049.

He really does have pretty eyes.

You can see the faintest blue in his eyes, but it makes his face much more livelier. Even if it's just a mask.

"Y/n, dear..." 049 asks as he shook you a little.

You snap out of your eye-facination phase. "Huh? What?" You now pay attention.

"Are you feeling better?" He gently asks.


You now have a chance to think about what happened.

You two just left that elevator... then you started walking again... uhh... theeeen... Oh! You were feeling tired...

Wait you passed out.

"Oh. Uhh... what happened while I was out?" You ask, looking around.

"Well... Not much..." Distant.

"...But?" You ask when he trails off.

You also don't notice until now that his hands are still on your shoulders.

Suddenly, they lift off as he stands up. "Nothing of importance. I suppose we shall continue."

"Hey! Wait a minute." You say.

You reach out for his hand.

A sharp inhale and a quick reaction causes you to freeze.

He jolts his hand back away from yours, with pure uncertainty in his eyes, before slowly retracting his other hand.

You look at him, expecting him to say something. His breaths were heavy.

"I... Well... Erm..." He stutters.

He didn't speak other than those two and a half words. You both just ended up staring into each other's eyes. Before...

"May I... explain... what..." It seems like he couldn't find the right words to say.

You agree either way. "Yeah..."

He clears his throat and spoke more clearly, fixing his posture and standing up straight. "Direct skin contact with my hand causes the patient to go into a permanent-unconscious-paralysis so I can begin curing them. You aren't sick, dear, and my cure isn't complete. I'm afraid I can not run that risk."

Then, some of your questions were answered.

That's why he didn't shake your hand. That's why everytime you two were close he seemed to be extra careful, as if he was terrified of hurting you.

He took your silence as a 'too stunned to speak'.

"My apoligies... I sincerely did not mean to... frighten you, with my ability." He says, looking away.

"It's... fine." You stand up.

A touch that can kill people? Instantly? Like 'snap!' Gone?

"Are you certain? You seem to be--" He looks over to you again, but you cut him off.

"No, seriously." You put your hands on his shoulders. "I mean it. It's fine."


He stares into your gaze. You were as confident as ever before, giving him assurance.

"...Alright. Let us be off then."

You nod as you retract your hands. He turns around with a small spin and heads towards the door, with you following.

End of Chapter 11

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now