Chapter 5

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The elevator door opens. You and the doctor walk out the the same place you just were a couple minutes ago.

"So uhh..." You pipe up after a second. "W-where do we go?"

"Ah. I suppose you don't know your way around this foundation, hm?" He asks with a small amused huff.

"Not past this point." You weakly laugh.

The doctor nods. "Then follow me. I'm sure I could find the way out of here." He mentions.

You nod, but the doctor turns around before he could see your response.

He went the same way you came from. "Uhh, is-this is the way I came from." You say quietly.

He turns left to a new whole hallway that you didnt notice before. He gave a small hum of amusement, though he didnt turn to face you. "I can assure you, dear Y/n, I know my way around this place."

You mumble a small 'okay' as he pushes a button to open the next door.

An awkward silence comes over the two of you. You then remember how many questions you wanted to ask him. You inhaled as you decide to talk to break the silence.

"So..." You say quietly. He turned his head slightly so you could see one of his eyes. That's when you spoke louder. "What did you mean about... that... pestilence?"

He simply shook his head. "I'm afraid it's too complicated for you to understand."

You narrow your eyes. "Are you calling me dumb?"

"No, no." He pauses. "I'm simply saying that your kind cannot process the information."

Your kind?

"It's not anything you should be worrying about. You free from it's control." He comments.

That makes another question pop up. "In the other room... everyone out there was... 'infected', right?"

"Correct." He said as he opened the next door.

"And you're saying th-" You cough. "-that I'm not infected?"

He turned his head a little so you could see him nod.

You looked down at that answer.

"Why?" You ask without even noticing.

"Pardon?" He said as he fully turns around because he didn't hear you.

"Huh?" You lift up your head and made eye contact.

You blink. He was waiting for you to respond.

"Oh. Uhh, nothing. Sorry." You look down.

Stupid stupid stupid.

He hums and turns back around after a second to continue walking.

"I don't blame you for asking questions, if that's what your concerned about." He mentions.

A new room.

"I have a plethora amount of questions too." He adds.

"F-for me?" You stutter.

"Some of them, yes."

"Umm... Okay..."

"Do you happen to know why you're here?" He asks, not turning around.

"No... I only woke up here a couple days ago... I think." You add.

You hope it's only been a couple days.

He hums. "Why do you wanna know?" You ask.

"No particular reason." He mentions as he opens the next door.


"...So uh... How long have you--"

He held a hand up, shushing you as you looked at him in confusion.

He walks forward a little bit and looks around the corner.

An infected human.

"The pestilence..." He mumbles.


He suddenly rushes forward. There was a scream before it was cut off and the sound of a body collapsing.

You blink. You're not gonna go out there. You're just gonna sit at this corner--

No you're not.

You slowly walk out to see him crouching down at the -what you assumed to be- a dead body. "Jesus fucking Christ." You call out.

The doctor didn't respond to your comment.

You watch from afar how he split open the person's stomach and added chemicals with precise precision.

You weren't too squeamish with it, but you did feel a bit cold.

Eventually after a couple minutes, the doctor stood up from his work. "You done?" You ask, slightly annoyed...

"Oh! My apologies. I'm afraid I have little to no choice to attend to the sick. I didn't mean to make you witness that." He says like it was nothing.

"It's..." Fucking weird. "whatever."

Who fucking cuts inside a person to cure a disease??

"You seem bothered by my methods."

You shook your head. "No, I just don't understand." You weakly laughed.

"Well... I wouldn't mind explaining it. But it may be... difficult to understand"

You thought for a second. "Sure..." I guess.

"Alright then." He readjusted himself.

That seemed to lift his spirits.

"Well, it starts with me..."


"Ahh. I see." You say, nodding.

No you don't. You don't understand a single word he says. But you don't want to upset him, because he seems pretty passionate about it.

"So does my work make at least a little more since?" He asks.

"Yeah! Of course." You lie.


But that leads you to another question. Why would he have such a intrest in this? And how can he tell from just a glance if someone has it or not?

You shake your head. "Well I suppose we should continue, right?" You ask, your gaze catching movement.

The corpse on the ground twitches. You flinch in suprise, as it slowly got up off the ground. "Uhh..." You point at the thing.

"Oh! That person is cured now! But unfortunately,"

The person wonderes around and bumps into a wall.

"they lost some of their brain functions."

They fell to the ground.

"My cure is not complete yet, but I'm working hard to correct that."

The entity slowly stands up then leaves the room.

"Huh..." You say. "Let's continue then."

He shares a single nod before he turns around and started walking with you following.

End of Chapter 5

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now