46| The First Game Back

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P.O.V Hazel 

I stood In the locker room, hair pulled back. I only had the bottom half of the pads on. My top half was covered by a sports bra. 

Coach Dave was a little hesitant about having me in the locker room with the boys. It came down to an agreement. I would change in the refs room then join the boys in the locker room. 

I did change in there, Into my sports bra and shorts then I walked into the locker room. 

Yeah, Dave wasn't too fond of that move.

“Hurry up guys we have to be out on the ice in 10” Zach yelled next to me. 

I put on the rest of my pads, slowly putting on my jersey to finish the look.

It was weird wearing black and yellow, It was a polar opposite from the blue and white.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I stood there. Listening to the boys busy getting ready in the locker room.

Black and Yellow was blasting out of the speaker. The room felt distant as I fell into my own thoughts.

It was my first game back. Hockey town daily was here, Dave asked me if they could come, I agreed only if they waited till after the game to interview me. I didn't want them to distract me before the game.

Melissa, the recruiter was here as well. She texted me, told me to play hard and that this game didn't matter. She was only here to watch me as a fan.

“Hey.” Zach said, catching my attention.

I looked at him, opening my eyes. 

“You good?’ He asked his brows scrunched in concern.

I shook my head.

“Yeah, just concentrating.” I replied with a smile.

“Alight, then let's get going princess you've got a team to shock.” 

We walked out of the locker room and out through the tunnel, some girls looked over the edge of the bleachers down at us. Some of them looked surprised to see a girl in hockey gear. 

I guess I was the first girl on the team in a while.

We all rushed out onto the ice as the music started to play and the announcer announced captains and starting line up. 

“On starting line defense Zane Parker and Hazel Underwood!”

The crowd cheered for Zane but was silent for me. I smirked, I loved the silence. 

“Hey Ref!” The opposite coach yelled from the bench. “I demand a recheck of the roster!” 

Now I was really smiling, God I loved pissing people off on the ice. Especially the coach.

Of course I was cleared, I was wearing a jersey with a matching name and number to the roster and I was very clearly a girl. 

So I skated up for the first face off with a smile on my face while the ref continued to argue with the coach about my legality on the team. 

“When the fuck did you get a girl on your team Knight?” the opposing team's center asked Zach 

“She's got a name you know.” Zach replied and I smirk

“It's Hazel you dick.” I said, figuring I should say something sooner or later so they didn't think I was timid.

The center turned and looked at me with a smile. 

“A voice just as pretty as the face.” He said causing me to roll my eyes

“This pretty face is going to be scoring on your ass genius.”

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