1| Take it From the Top

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P.O.V: Hazel

●Flash Back●

"And the Hawks just killed themselves with that penalty, first period and its already getting chippy."

The announcer stated.

I rolled my eyes slightly, I never got why they had announcers for these play off games.

Rubbing my hand up and down my stick, I hopped a little on the bench waiting for the nod from coach to get on the ice.

The game was only 5 minutes in and I had only played my starting line up shift. I was getting stiff just standing here on this bench.

"Dude calm your tits, you'll go out soon enough." Killain, one of my teamates who just got off the ice said behind me.

I rolled my eyes at him, slightly annoyed. Soon enough, wasn't coming soon enough.

Finally coach Ryan gave me the nod and I jumped over the boards ready to get some more action.

The game was chippy, and I liked chippy. It was somewhere to put all my pent up anger, but a reason to use it.

"Go get'm kid." I heard coach say as my feet landed on the ice.

I gave him a slight smile and a nod, giving a mumbled thanks before skating off.

I knew I could talk more to him later.

"And coming back on the ice is Hazel Underwood, I've gotta tell you folks don't let her fool you she's bringing another thing to the youth program in this hockey world."

I zoned him out. I knew there were scouts, I knew people knew I was good, I knew the opportunity for me in the woman's hockey world, maybe the men's.

Right now we're on a power play, first period. We need to score, our centers are good, but their d is looking great.

Conner, our goalie, was really saving our ass tonight and it was only period 1.

I skating towards my spot, left D, passing a few of the other teams players as I went.

"I heard you're supposed to be some sort of God at this hockey thing." One of the players said with a smile.

Fucking hockey boys, there is a time and a place to flirt. But not right before I beat your ass please.

"Oh come on, you're not gonna awnser me?" He stated getting irritated.

Fragile ego, gosh.

The puck dropped and I immediately went into action, surveying the ice to figure where I should be and when.

Seeing the open wing sneakily hiding in the corner, I crossed to him to apply pressure. To get under his skin.

Be the instigator, not the fighter.

Something Ryan always said. And honestly it had helped keep my anger in check.

I lifted his stick for no reason but to get on his nerves. He looked at me irritated and I gave him a cheeky smile.

"Would you fucking stop it you bitch." He stated lifted his stick and moved it away from me.

I smiled slightly, keeping my eyes on the game while he was taking them off to talk to me.

I lightly shoved my shoulder into him repeatedly, just to push his buttons even more.

"What can't handle a little pressure? Is someone a pussy?" I questioned making a fake pouting face.

"You little bitch just you wait" he stated

I smiled and watched as the players danced the puck back and fourth in the neutral zone, skating away from the wing my job was done I decided.

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