4| The New Girl

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P.O.V Zach

I watched as the kids started to trickle in through the doors then I looked back at Hazel.

I could see why she was named Hazel, her eyes and her hair held the color strong. She was tall, well taller than most girls but me wearing skates forced me to look down at her. She was very pretty, I could give her that but right now I was very irritated.

I was infuriated, but I couldn't be towards her. She didn't pick the service, it wasn't her fault. The situation most likely irritated her as much as it did me. But that didnt, in the moment, stop me from taking it out on her.

"Do you know anything about hockey?" I asked in a hushed voice as the number of parents starting to gather around for practice grew.

I pulled her closer so she could hear me better, surprised she didnt pull away from my overreach of personal space and the fact the I still was dripping sweat from practice.

She shook her head slightly, and I let out a sigh. She studied my face curiously as I looked down at her trying to figure out what I was thinking.

I was thinking that this was stupid. Having a coach here who had no idea how to teach hockey. She was more of a team manager now, If I thought of it that way maybe I could give her some jobs to do. but even then if she knew nothing about hockey, which seemed to be the case, it would still be difficult.

I nodded my head before breaking my eye contact with her and looking at the group of littles getting ready on the benches around us.

While we were having our quiet conversation the team had trickled in and started getting ready as usual. Parents working quickly to get their little 6 year olds, who couldnt sit still to save their lives, gear on. I put on a fake smile and turned Hazel towards the crowd.

I realized I was man handling her too much, she didnt need help to stand on her own or turn towards the parents. I took my hand off her arm and nervously rubbed it on my side.

The shock of having a non hockey player as my assistant coach had passed and I now felt like a teenage boy next to a pretty girl. I thought back to Micks words, but I quickly removed them from my mind. This was work, my NHS and position on the team depended on how I presented myself to this team. Not how well I could get a girls attention.

"Good Evening Mini Mites!" I shouted earning the attention of all the kids and parents in the lobby.

"As you can see we have a new friend with us today, her name is coach Hazel!"

Hazel gave a small wave as the kids mumbled a hello. The parents smiled at her thankful for her help, they didnt need to know that she was here because she was avoiding a fine or juvy time. I was probalby better if they never knew.

"Parents, please check in with Hazel! She will also be working on Jersey numbers today to please be ready with numbers as well!" I thought of the last part on the fly, trying to give Hazel more work to do. Something even someone with no experince could manage.

"Alright kiddos lets get on the ice!" I shouted earning a cheer from the kids.

Almost imminently the parents stepped back and let there kids wobble over to the ice on there skates, they each entered one by one some falling as they transitioned from floor to ice. As the team gathered themselves on the ice I turned back to Hazel.

"There's a clip board on the wall labeled mini-mites, use that for check in. Collect jersey numbers and right it next to their names" I stated before turning and getting on the ice.

I watched as she found the clip board and started speaking to some of the parents smiling and being polite as she did. It surprised me that she was here because she committed a crime. She didnt seem like the type. But to each their own I guess. To her I probably seemed like a bitchy man handling hockey boy, so I guess I couldnt make first meeting assumptions.

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