2| Let's Get You Some Help

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P.O.V: Zach

I sat in the office chair, my leg desperately wanted to bounce up and down but my hand stopped it.

Coach called me up here 10 minutes ago, where was he?

It was making me nervous. Had I done something wrong?

What other reason would he have to call me up here. His exact words were

"Zachary when your done changing you get up to my office right away."

Yeah, that sounds like i'm in trouble.

Finally the office door behind me opened and my coach walked to his desk and sat down with a small smile.

Oh i'm so fucked.. what the hell did I do?

"Hey Zach, how are you doing?" He asked fumbling with some papers.

I leaned back in the chair trying to play it cool.

"Not too bad." I replied with a shrug

Coach nodded his head. I rubbed my blonde hair out of my eyes my heart still racing.

"You're looking good on the ice." He said with a nod, "how's your mini mite team going, you just start practice?"

This time I nodded my head, confused as to where this was going.

Was he taking the team away from me? I really needed these NHS hours.

"Its good, only a few days in but its going alright." I said.

Coach then took some papers off of his desk and handed them to me.

I raised an eye brow and looked at the papers.

Hazel Underwood

The name was at the top printed in bold letters. Why did I know that name? I feel like a read it in an article before. Or at least heard it somehwere.

I looked back up at coach, not reading any further than the name. I was really confused now.

"How about some help with your team? They got a girl who needs to serve some community service, assigned her to your team." He explained.

"Why my team?" I asked, my blue eyes shifting back down to the paper to read more.

"You both go to the same school. Apparently she just moved here a few weeks ago, they have the idea that hopefully she'll make some friends."

Now I looked at coach annoyed, I'm playing baby sitter aren't I. I wanted to say that, but didn't.

Instead I shook my head.

"When does she start?" I asked trying to keep my cool.

If this girl knew nothing about hockey she would be anything but helpful, making my life even harder. What would I do with a teacher who cant teach?

I didn't want to waist more time explaining everything to her like one of my 6 year olds.

"This Tuesday, play nice. Try and get to know her, I think she just needs the help."

I nodded my head and stood up from the chair. Excusing myself, laying the papers on the desk before walking out.

"Thanks coach." I said before shutting the office door and welcoming the smell and the coldness of the rink.

As I walked down the stairs away from the offices towards the front door.

As I was making my way towards the doors, Mick, one of my teammates ran up to me.

His run a little funny as his hockey bag was over his shoulder.

"Hey, you in trouble?" He asked walking with me outside.

"Nah, turns out I get an assistant for my mini mite team" I explained opening my car door to chuck my hockey bag inside.

"Girl or boy?" He asked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Does it matter?" I asked with a breathy voice.

It was getting colder out each day, and today just happened to be so cold I could see my breath.

"Well, I mean unless it's a hot girl." Mick said with a shrug.

I gave him a side glare.

"Really." I stated walking around my car and opening the driver side door.

"Oh come on, whens the last time you've got some. Between hockey, coaching, NHS, your 5, 5! AP classes."

"You're right" I said interrupting him, "I'm too busy, that's why I don't have time to deal with some girl who probably has no idea what she's talking about."

My comment got a smile from Mick. His blue eyes lighting up like he'd just won the lottery

"Oh so it is a girl." He said with that voice that anyone knows.

"Goodbye Mick." I said shutting my car door and closing my eyes.

He was right, I was too busy. I did way to much, maybe I should have said no to this one chick.

Maybe it would go OK?

What was she even doing the service hours for? What crime had she committed?

Damn I should have read that paper work coach handed me.

Words: 797

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