33| In a Boys Mind

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P.O.V Zach 

“I personally think it's just a bunch of bull shit.” Mick stated before shoving a cookie in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes, turning away from my fridge to see Zane, Mick, and Micah all destroying the food and drinks on my coffee table.

I had invited over some of the seniors on the team just to hang out. Hazel said she had something going on and we couldn't hang out. But personally I knew she was just doing it so I could get a break and go to bed early. 

She had no idea I invited over some of the team. We were good at keeping secrets when we wanted to.

“You only think it's stupid because you never bring a date.” explained Micah giving Mick a knowing look.

Mick just shrugged. “I get all the girls when I'm there.” 

Zane just looked at Mick slightly amused. It was his first year going to Winter carnival  without a girlfriend. 

She cheated on him about 6 months ago, to say he was alright was a lie. 

It crushed him when he found out, and not taking someone to dances had been rough.

“So what are you doing Knight, a sign, some chocolate?” Zane asked curious as to how I was going to play things.

I just sat on the couch and shrugged my shoulders.

“I figured I'd just ask her.” I said brushing it off.

But I immediately got a round of disapproving noises from everyone including Zane who gave me a stern look. 

“Dude, you can't just ask her, you got to make a sign, buy a stuffed animal, do all that cheesy shit.” Micah explained.

“Why?” I questioned feeling like an idiot.

“Why? Because girls like that, you do it for them not for you.” Zane pointed out while grabbing a soda off the table.

“Look, I'm pretty sure Hazel doesnt want me to make a sign.” I rebutted 

“That's what you think.” Mick said between chews of a cookie.

I gave them all a frustrated look.

“Hazel doesnt even know there's a dance coming up, trust me, she doesn't care that much.” I felt myself rethink my words for a moment. “Now watch the goddamn movie.” 

I was rethinking my words, maybe Hazel did care, maybe she did want the effort of the sign and the flowers. But truth was she was just so fucking independant, If I payed for dinner she had to pay for breakfast, I couldnt buy her one thing without her going out and getting me one thing as well. 

Last week she paid for our lunch without me even realizing. 

But maybe….

Maybe if I asked her at dinner, I would have already pre pay and gotten her a box of kit kats. Maybe a light green stuffed animal since it's her favorite color. 

That's what she’d want instead. Hopefully, because that was my plan. 

Winter Carnival wasnt for a few more weeks, more like in one month. So why we were talking about this was beyond me. 

I pulled out of my thoughts to see Zane and Mick smiling at me like two clowns at a circus.

“What?” I asked out of a knee jerk reaction.

“You're thinking about her aren't you, you love struck idiot.” Zane said with a cheeky grin.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the couch.

“You fuckers are intolerable, you know that?” I said while walking back to the Kitchen hope the distance would make them shut up.

It wouldn't, I'd been friends with them too long for them to take my cues. They would irritate me to know end.

Maybe till the day I'd die. 

But even then, I wouldn't mind it. 

Because our friendship was one where we dont lie and we don't keep secrets. Maybe that's why I like to be around them so much, everything felt so easy, and you knew that no matter what they said it was always the truth.

Words: 665

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