21| At My House

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P.O.V Zach

With my hand on Hazels back I walked her to my car. She was soaking wet from sitting on the ground.

The way she panic'd frightened me, she looked as though she could see ghost on the ice. It all just kept adding up to the missing puzzle piece.

Except one part was becoming clearer. Hazel knows hockey, she's lived it.

From knowing goalie number, tying skates, knowing the positions at the lunch table, to now.

I new it from the moment I walked in the rink doors and saw her.

The skates she was wearing were not the rental skates. And she didn't borrow them from the boys because then the skates would be too big.

And they way she looked at the ice, like it was a image she'd seen a thousand times.

Up till the moment she panic'd i could tell she was slowing down her skating on the ice. Holding back, she wasn't a beginner.

And I saw it when she sprinted off the ice, the way her arms moved to help her body pick up speed.

And suddenly as I was sitting in my car everything began to feel clear about Hazel.

Hockey was in her life.

Some part of it.

Her guy friends back home were hockey players, this is why she got along so well with my team.

As I drove she had her phone placed in her lap. The screen would light up occasionally with the name Conner again.

There wasn't a last name.

As we got to my house I opened the front door to be met with everyone.

My mom, my dad, and Gray.

He gave me a smug smirk as he saw Hazel.

And Hazel noticed, she might have said something if she wasn't so damn cold from being wet in the middle of winter.

"Hey my rooms up the stairs first door on the right. Why don't you go up there and I'll be there in a second." I whispered

She just nodded her head, making her way up there quickly avoiding my family.

That's when I remembered her dad, and suddenly the curiosity struck again.

She had no issues telling me about her dad being in jail. So that's not the problem with hockey. So what is?

I shut the door behind me to stop letting the cold air out and looked at my family.

"Hazel fell at the rink so I'm gonna get her a change of clothes she might stay for dinner." I explained

My entire family just stood there, kind of shocked. My moms a defense lawyer for kids and she'd seen children in their worst state.

She just put down the spoon she was using to cook dinner and nodded her head.

"Ok I'll grab and extra plate." She said with no questions asked.

I felt awkward, but I didn't know what else to say so I walked upstairs. Opening my bedroom door Hazel was just standing there looking around at my room.

Her eyes flicking from object to object. I watched her for a moment before moving to my closet, pulling out a sweatshirt and sweatpants. The kind with a draw string so it would fit her waist.

"These should fit." I stated handing them to her.

She just softly smiled taking the clothes. With out giving me time to leave the room she turned for me and took off her shirt.

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