10| Lunch Table Talks

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P.O.V: Zach

Giving my phone number to Hazel to help her with the first day of school felt pointless.

They way my school is set up we had 3 periods before lunch.

AP English- she was there
AP Stats- she was there

I only period didn't see her for was 3rd period because she had art. But I could place bets on her being in my AP gov class and my AP bio class.

I weaved my way through the busy lunch room before throwing my tray on the lunch table, none of my team mates looks up at me as I did they were all enthralled with something else.

Hayden was showing Jack something on his phone.

Josh was chowing down his food.

Micah was deep in homework.

And Mick was telling a story to like 6 of the guys, which immediately caught my attention.

"Then she told me she wasn't a puck bunny and to get my ass away from her!" Mick exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.

A few of the guys laughed at this.

"Maybe you've just lost your game man." Will said with a shrug.

I picked up one of my chicken strips and looked at Mick, also amused.

"Who rejected you this time?" I asked earning a few laughs.

"The new girl Hazel." He mumbled.

I laughed at this. Hazel had seemed completely friendly when I was around her, but I also wouldn't put it past her to have some fire in her as well.

"Wait isn't that the girl helping you with mini mites?" Some one down the table asked and I just nodded my head.

"She is pretty hot though, im just disapointed I couldn't get her number." Mick continued

I just smirked, God this was funny.

I looked around the lunch room, wondering where Hazel was only to see her just getting out of the lunch line. Looking lost and confused. Her eyes locked with mine and I waved her over clearing my binders off of the seat next to me.

"Well there's always round two." I stated looking at Mick before all the boys looked back at Hazel as she walked over.

She was wearing light mom jeans with a bigger graphic t with a long sleeve shirt underneath it. Her hair was slightly curled which was a change from her straight hair.

"God damn." I though I heard one of the boys whisper as she walked over.

She smiled lightly at everyone while she set her tray down and sat down.

"I'm guessing this is the hockey table?" Saying as though it was both a joke and a genuine question.

"God damn right it is." Micah replied putting his binders aside to give Hazel full attention.

God they acted like they had never been around a hot girl before. Or any girl for that matter.

"I'm Micah." Micah said while nodding his head.

"Hazel." Was all she responded with a smile.

She tucked some of the curls behind her ear and looked at everyone at the table as if she was taking mental note what everyone looked like.

"So, hockey team, who's your goalie?" She asked looking around the table.

I noticed as she smiled that she had a light coat of chap stick on.

"Oh that would be me, I'm Hayden." Hayden stated putting his hand up.


And the defense put their hands up also listing their names.

And she continued naming each position till she got to centers.

I looked at her slightly amused, her hockey knowledge making me again think.

'No nothing about hockey my ass.'

"How is school so far?" Jack asked reaching across the table and grabbing one of my chicken tenders.

I slapped his hand away but it was to late.

"Oh its alright, it's fucking huge though." Hazel stated with a shrug.

The boys all laughed slightly, Mick acting unimpressed. Truth was he was probably still salty. It was rare that a girl turned him down, it probably hurt his ego.

"Not when you get used to it. Personally it's too small for me." Jack said with a shrug.

"He just means that all the girls have been the same girls since elementary." Hayden added on from down the table.

At this comment Hazel laughed before putting a chicken tender in her mouth.

"Look, I'm just saying if.." the boys continue but I only half listened.

I found myself watching Hazel silently. She had a light smile on her face as she listened to the boys bicker. They talked about topics that had caused several girls not to sit with us anymore but Hazel laughed along eating her chicken tenders.

It was intrieging, and for some reason made her all the more attractive. Not just by her looks but by her personality as well.

I leaned over to her whispering slightly so only she could hear me.

"What's your next class?"

"AP Gov" she said back in the same hushed voice as me.

And bingo, I was correct that I was probably going to have every class but third hour with Hazel. Not that I was really complaining.

I nodded my head.

"Same, you want me to walk you there? Its kind of separate from the other class rooms." I said continuing our quiet conversation.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure. Why not." She replied.

With a slight smirk I looked up from our conversation. I made eye contact almost immediately with Mick who was looking at me with a smirk and a raised eye brow. Causing me to roll my eyes.

He was getting the wrong idea. Sure Hazel was pretty, but there was so much I didn't know about her still. She just needed a friend and I liked her personality enough to be one.

Plus gov was a hard class to find.

Words: 976

Hockey Towns Favorite Girl Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora