41| Go Ahead and Crush My Dreams, Its Fine

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No Ones P.O.V

"Ok Conner, You'll obviously be in net. Hazel and Killian, I want you to be at the opposite end. Killian, you'll start as a defender. Each time I blow the whistle you switch position with Hazel." Coach Dave explained to Hazel, Conner, and Killian who were dressed in full gear on the ice.

The three of them were wearing matching practice jerseys and Ryan stood back, interested to see how Dave ran things.

"Does that make sense?" Dave asked.

"Yes sir." The three of them replied in unison, as if they had been conditioned that way.

"Alright then go to positions!"

They all skated away, Conner going to net and Killian skating with Hazel to the opposite side.

She had a serious look on her face, almost like she was in game mode.

"Don't take it easy on me, Alright?" Hazel said to Killian and he just smirked.

"Just because you're a girl, blah, blah, blah, I know. When have I ever taken it easy on hockey town's favorite girl?" Killian said with a cocky voice.

Just then a puck was passed to Hazel and she took it in her stick, Killian staying in front of her taking defense. Hazel bent down, ready to take off at the sound of the whistle.

In the near empty rink, the door at the top of the bleachers opened revealing Zane, Mick, and the rest of the team. They trickled in quietly just as Dave blew the whistle and Hazel took off.

Quickly dekeing around Killian only for the whistle to be blown and for her to have to quickly switch into defense.

"Holy shit." Zane said up in the stands watching Hazel skate in person for the first time.

The whistle blew again and Hazel quickly returned to offense, Killian easily making the switch as well.

Conner squatted into ready position awaiting the puck as they got closer to the net, but stood up as Coach Dave blew two whistles stopping the play.

Hazel and Killain looked at Dave confused.

"Reset, back to start." Dave shouted and Hazel and Killian listened, going back across Ice.

In the bleachers the Rice Creek team watched with amazement at the speed and ability Hazel and Killian showed, but they tore their gaze off the ice for a moment as the door behind them opened revealing Zach.

He held a pissed expression as he walked down to stand next to Zane as they watched Hazel, his eyes not leaving her body for a second.

"Alright Hazel, I want you to stay on offense, your sole purpose is to get this puck in the back of the net. Killian you're on D." Dave shouted from the bench.

Killian looked at Hazel with no emotion on his face and Hazel looked at him the same way.

And at the sound of the whistle Hazel took off immediately faking Killian out by skating left before shooting off like a bullet to the right.

Killian had to fight to keep up with her.

When he did catch up he lifted her stick hoping she would lose control of the puck, but she just kicked it forward out of stick reach and skated up to it, losing Killian once more.

Now she was face to face with Conner.

Locking eyes with him before looking left. She began to take the shot left so Conner dove that way ready to grab it like a cat. But at the last second Hazel pulled it right and back handed it into the corner of the net.

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