5| Routine

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P.O.V Hazel


Routine, Like every athlete I lived on routine.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5 am weight lifting followed by school then 4 pm practice.

Tuesday and Thursday practice followed by defensive clinic.

Saturday= Game day.

It crushed me the way I went about my day, not having that schedule.

It made it even worse when we moved towns, because now not only my routine was different.

But my drive was different.

My room was different.

My street was different.

I just needed something familier. I was missing it, feeling quit home sick without that sense of fimilarity

I layed on my bed, brown hair everywhere. I was laying like a star fish looking up at my new ceiling.

I had spent my Wednesday unpacking my boxes and setting up my room. Now I was desperately trying to find the energy to do something. Anything.

I sighed loudly, sitting up looking at my room.

My mom had given me the attic, so the space was relatively big. My bed was shoved in the corner, grey covers over top with blue pillows. I sat there trying desperately to find something to do before mini-mite practice I needed some sort of activity to occupy my mind.

The practice yesterday hadnt been as bad as I thought it would be. I was basically playing team manager, which was fine by me. I could check people in and schedule games no problem.

In fact, I kind of enjoyed assigning team numbers yesterday. Eli, one of the little boys had my number. 19.

It made me smile when I wrote it down. I remember looking up at the kids on the ice trying to figure out which one was Eli. It was kind of fun, playing manager, it was a side of hockey I'd never done. I think I could handle it without having any panic attacks as well.

Then there was Zach. I wasnt sure if I should groan out of frustration or swoon.

I could see why girls found hockey guys attractive. Maybe it was because I hadnt played on a team with him yet, or maybe he was really just that hot.

He was definitely a hockey boy. But not the type that you'd expect. He was the one who seemed like he had to miss a U-12 game because he was taking a psat on the weekend.

ya feel me?

Like he had the charisma of a hockey player but the brains to not be a dick. Not a complete idiot, or a dumb blonde he reminded me of me a little bit. I was a dumb hockey player sometimes, dont get me wrong, but I also took a lot of AP classes and was close to being top of my class back at Plainwell.

I could tell Zach was smart and it made part of me wondered if he had figured it out, who I was, or if he would figure it out in the future. But part of me thought that he wouldnt, maybe I could keep playing off this lie.

Google was avaliable though, and it would only take him searching my name to figure it out. Because you type in my name and all the hockey town articles and interviews pop up, all the youtube videos, the stuff about me wining world champions on the girls team.

I sighed thinking about everything that was online about me. I finally stood up from my bed and crossed my room. In my back pocket my phone buzzed, and buzzed and buzzed.

It was my old team group chat on snap chat. The boys were arguing over the best type of sauce to put on the wings they were serving this weekend. You know such important shit.

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