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My head feels really heavy. It's felt like that ever since the day I woke up, two weeks ago. As if it's filled with rocks, or perhaps an anchor has been tied to my head.

The steady feeling of Peter's heartbeat grounds me, his pulse a Rhythmic thunder. He strokes my back and holds me tight when my breathing spikes.

'Let me take away your pain. You'll feel so much better, and I'm so hungry,' Teddy whispers into my ear. That's right, I named him. The murderous voice in my head didn't like that name, just like I don't like his existence. I continue to listen to Peter's heart, separating his from the thousands others I can hear. When Teddy is awake, every drop of blood can be heard.

It gets too overwhelming. It's tiring enough to fight him. His hunger becomes my own, but the pains are in my head rather then my stomach. I take an unsteady breath through my nose cannula. Bruce says I may have permanently damaged my lungs the day I fell into that coma. My powers have a price, and now I'm heavily in debt.

I look up so my eyes can meet Peter's. I'm trying to convince the team to let me go to school with him, but they said they don't want to rush me. Maybe once I can get out of this wheelchair. Or take the IV out of my arm. Maybe if I can willingly eat a plate of food.

'Maybe a glass of—"

'Teddy!! No! You are never having blood like that again,' I respond in my thoughts to him.

'You say that now. But that headache won't stop until I'm satisfied! And by the way, you chose a stupid name for a superior being!'

Teddy always confuses me like that. Says he's a superior being. What is he? Isn't he just a part of my power? The part with a voice...

"I'm fine now," I sign to Peter. "Teddy's annoying me now though." He gives me a small bop on the head, but I know that's for Teddy.

'You see how he disrespects us? Why don't you want to eat him?'

The rest of the Avengers carefully walk up to us and resume breakfast. Honestly, ever since they learned about what Teddy can do, I would say that they're a bit... scared of me. When I said that he (Teddy) was pushing against me, Tony tried to push Peter away from me.

They don't all believe when I say that Teddy is his own being, not tied to my own choices and thoughts. Well, Nat and Bucky believe me. Everyone else wants me in therapy. Just in case he's an excuse for killing or a figment of my imagination. I swear he's not. Peter believes me more than everyone. He offered to go to therapy with me, just so I don't feel alone. But I don't want to go at all. I'm not crazy. Just...broken.

Peter grabs his backpack off the couch and stuffs all the homework scattered on the floor into it. He seems so at ease here. "Bye," he signs to me. I assume he says goodbye to the rest of the Avengers before getting in the car outside with Happy.

I look down at my bare arms resting on the wheelchair. It couldn't be long sleeve because Bruce wanted to make sure I didn't take out the IV.

I ignore the messed up burned skin with insults and swears carved in. He takes hold of my wheelchair and takes me to my bedroom, which also happens to be the medbay. I've been in and out of that room so many times that Toby decided it would be useless to have another bedroom for me if I already spend so much time in this one room. When other kids have a nightstand next to their bed, I have an IV stand and monitors. Peter's been trying to make it more lively. Most of the Avengers are trying to help me. There are only some, like Tony, who I don't think like me.

Clint, Nat, and Wanda have been the kindest to me. Steve is nice but I can tell doesn't fully trust me. Much nicer then Tony and Sam, though. Bruce lifts me from my wheelchair and places me on my bed. He starts asking questions and doing doctor stuff. "Stephen is coming tomorrow," he signs to me. I feel a smile work it's way to my face. He's by far my favorite adult. "Don't look so excited that I'm leaving," he jokes, and I think I laugh.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon