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"Peter! C'mon, Pete. Wake up, kid." I open my eyes to the bright light. I'm back at the Avengers compound. My body hurts a bit, but my enhanced healing factors took the most serious of injuries. I remember the fight which happened right before I passed out. This isn't good. Jeez.

"Mr. Stark?" I say as I get up. He helps me sit as I adjust to the lighting. "Where's Nova?" Mr. Stark gives me a sad look. "Mr. Stark?" I repeat. "No, no, no, please. Tell me- tell me she's okay." My voice is wavering as I speak. "Pete," he gives me a sad look. "We don't know where she is. We'll try our best to find her, alright?" I nod, and slowly stand up. She could still be alive. We can find her. Then, everything can be normal again. We could go to school again and play Uno with Ned and MJ at lunch. We would do our weekly movie nights. And build Lego together. I just need to find her.

Mr. Stark leads me down the hall and into the meeting room, where all the Avengers and Mr. Strange are. Pepper is here too. "Hey, Pete. Morgan wanted to give you a hug before this starts," she says. On cue, Morgan walks out from behind her and hugs me. She's so cute. "Love you, Petey!" She says, before her mom walks away with her and out the room.

"Peter," Mr. Strange calls for me. "It is very important you help us and answer our questions honestly. This isn't just Nova's life at stake here, it's the lives of many." He seems more concerned about anyone else except Nova, right now. But I can complain to him later, if at all. May always said to not go looking for trouble. I nod at him. Mr. Strange leans in on the table. "What was happening last time you saw her?" I focus on every detail I can remember. "We were fighting like, a bunch of these dudes in masks, and they started to shoot a bunch at me, and then she wanted to help out, so she started shooting fire out her hands. I didn't even know she could do that, and then she fainted and was taken away. I fainted after another dude hit me over the head with a pan or something." Mr. Stranges eyes open wide when I mention the fire. Everyone else looks shocked too. Except for Ms. Romanoff. She never looks surprised.

"That must have taken an immense amount of power. Tony, doesn't she always emit a large energy signal when she uses a certain amount of power?" Mr. Banner speaks up. Mr. Stark nods and thinks for another moment. "FRIDAY?" He calls. "Check for anything that could match what lab coat over there said." FRIDAY goes quiet for a moment, and a map with energy readings pops up. "At apartment 316 at 4:57 AM today, a large energy and temperature change was detected. This was where Nova was last seen." Mr. Stark nods. I really hope this is the way to Nova. "Yeah, now show me where that source went," he said, very annoyed. The red dot on the map got smaller and smaller, and eventually disappeared after a mile. Mr. Stark curses.

"What about her suit?" I ask. "You have trackers in our suits," I remind him. His eyes light up at this idea. He types something in the computer and the light pops up. We know where she is.

I'm coming, Nova.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I'm still sick and it sucks. Have a good day!

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now