Peter (Again)

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A/N: I know the story is slow. Please just stick with me for three more chapters or else if I rush the story it won't make sense. Just wait two to three more chapters, I promise you it's going somewhere.
..................A few hours later...............
"Peter, wake up. We're here." A hand gently shakes my shoulder, and my eyes don't need to adjust to the lighting since it's dark out. But I see Nat right above me.
I mumble a thank you and stand up, ready to fight a bunch of HYDRA agents.
    The first thing I see is palm tree's scattered in the woods of oak. Only one place in America where palm trees seem right.
    "Mr. Stark, where are we?"
"Jacksonville, Florida."
     I feel my stomach rumble loudly, and I clutch my hand to it.
'I don't want to burden Mr. Stark with my enhanced metabolism'
   But it looks like Mr. Stark was prepared for this, and brought out a packaged hot dog.
  I say thank you, and begin to eat it as Steve have one of his talks. I mean, at least it's not the detention talk.
   'So, you got detention. You know what you did was wrong...'
I groan as I think of it, and everyone looks at me.
   I rub my eye to make it look like I was just tired, and Nat gives me a little smile.
"Alright team. We are going to explore the surrounding Forrest's for something strange. Tony says FRIDAY has been getting strong signals from around here. They might be trying to create more super soldiers."
Metal arm guy winces at that, and Steve gives his regular hand a small squeeze.
"Alright, Avenger's," he turns to me. "And in-training Avenger, let's-"
Steve is cut short by Mr. Stark's phone ringing.
"Boss, incoming call from Pepper Potts."
I hear him release a nervous sigh before he turns to us.
"One minute," he says, before walking off.
I know that I shouldn't be eve's dropping, but hey. I have enhanced hearing and he wouldn't know if I was listening. So I do.
"Yeah. Hey Pep."
"Tony, where are you. I swear, if you're on that HYDRA mission right after I told you not too."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry, ok Pep? It's just the signal is really concerning with the amount of power being released. And Peter -"
"Wait. Did you really bring Peter into this? He's just a kid, Tony."
"I understand, ok hon? I'll bring him home safe. I won't leave him alone. I promise."
    With that, Mr. Stark hangs up and walks back to us.
   I feel a bit guilty that Mr. Stark has had to be in two arguments just because I came along.
   'Why can't all these people just realize that I can handle this? I'm sick of everyone treating me like a kid all the time.'
    "Alright Cap, keep talking."
"Let's spit up. Nat and Clint, search south. Thor and Wanda, you guys look west. Bruce, stay back unless we call for code green or one of us gets hurt. Tony and Peter,"
His eyes look worried as he looks at me. I look down so I don't have to feel uncomfortable.
'Well, this is awkward.'
"You guys head North. Bucky and I will head east."
   And with that, we all search the semi-tropical, semi-classic woods.
   Tony and I search for what feels like hour's, when it has actually only been one.
   He won't make any conversation with me. Maybe I should talk first.
  "So, you and Pepper were having an argument earlier?"
   His Iron man head turns sharply at me.
'Uh oh.'
"Now, how would you know-"
   He gets cut off by FRIDAY.
    "Boss, massive power release. I tracked it, but the source seems to be coming from beyond my range."
   Beyond her range? FRIDAY should have access to everywhere and almost everything.
   Then Steve calls.
"Guys, got something you might want to see. Head over here, quick."
"Even me?" I think Bruce asked this.
   "Same coordinates as the power surge. Making route now."
   Mr. Stark nods and prepares to fly, before remembering that I'm here.
  "Alright, Spidey. Get on my back."
'Odd request, but will do!'
   I get on my hero's back, and he lifts us up into the air, moving wayyyyy faster then my swinging.
   "Woahhhh, Mr. Stark! This is wAy faster then my swinging!" I yell into the air, and I hug his neck even tighter.
   I don't know if he heard me or not, because he didn't respond.
   I look down, and feel sick. I don't like heights like this after the plane crash. I close my eyes and subconsciously hide my head into my heroes metal covered neck.
We land moments later, and I sigh in relief. The rest of the team is here too.
"What's the issue, Steve?" Clint says.
"Don't worry, the lake in front of us won't freeze, so you don't have to be worried if you fall in," he chuckles.
I would laugh too, but Cap gives off an annoyed look.
"There was an explosion of some sort of light, right here. It was powerful."
"FRIDAY said something similar," Mr. Stark mumbled.
"What was that, Stark?" Wanda asks.
" Moments before Steve called us all here. FRIDAY told me that there was a massive power release."
"How powerful was it exactly?" Bruce asked.
FRIDAY was the one who responded.
"Enough to power a small supernova."
I process what this means. I mean, a supernova has 10 to the power of 44 joules! The rest of the Avengers stare at us in shock.
But then I hear a moan, and Steve comforting someone.
"It'll be alright, ok Buck?" I can't see what's wrong, but Bruce moves over to "Buck," and gasps.
"Let's get you back into the plane, ok?" He starts to walk back, then I see it.
His arm was melted. Don't worry, not his real arm. But his vibraniom arm. The strongest metal on earth, melted.
"It was that explosion," Steve explains.
Maybe we should all head back. That's what the rest of the Avengers are doing anyways.
A portal opens right in front of us. "Hello, I'm Doctor Stephen Strange, what's going on here?" The man who calls himself "Doctor Strange," wears a cloak, and a gold necklace around his neck.
"I'll give you one better, why are you here?" Mr. Stark pushes me further behind him to protect me.
'I don't need to be protected.'
Doctor Strange sighs.
"I was alerted that there was a multiversal imbalance right here. And as sorcerer supreme, I'm expected to fix the problem before it escalates. Now, answer my question. What's going on here?"
"Listen doc, we're just as confused as you are."
"Alright," Doctor Strange replies. "Just get out of here and let me deal with this.
Mr. Stark looks like he wants to argue more, but he nods and the rest of the Avengers get the message.
But before we can even try to take more than five steps away to the plane, a small blue explosion happens again. It must be smaller than the last one, but the lake boils and Mr. Stark pushes me behind him. Again.
The explosions keep happening, faster and more often, each one more powerful than the last.
"Mr. Stark, what's going on?"
Now the lake has boiled to the point that the water has evaporated.
"Alright Pete, this is above your pay grade by a long shot. Get out of there."
But I don't want to. I want to help! So I don't move.
The explosion this time pulls us in, even with Doctor Strange's magic shields.
Mr. Stark yells and pulls me in to his chest as we fall through the light.
I pass out.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now