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   I walk through the portal as I look at Nova, just barely alive in Steve's arms. I see colors and lights that then formed different realities being stacked on top of each other. Just like the first time. I yell as we continue to fall; it's so fast. Mr. Stark holds me tightly again. I see the lake from our universe as we crash to the ground. Mr. Starks suit battery must have died.
    I feel really dizzy, and it takes me a minute to understand what's going on. I feel really tired though, and Mr. Stark carry's me to the jet as everyone else rushes there. "You okay, kid?" He asks me as I'm set down on a chair. I nod. "Just tired." I watch as Bruce and Mr. Strange get blood transfusion stuff. Or at least that's why it looks like. They double check the stitches, and hook her up to an IV. They do a few other things, and they had to take off the gauze. I shut my eyes as I have to see the deep gashes that look burned. They put a cast on her right arm, and inject her with something. Probably a painkiller. They also put an oxygen mask on her. I don't pay much attention to everything they are doing.
     I just want to fall asleep knowing that my friend is ok. But she won't fall asleep unless she is medically forced. But they don't want to give her something like that now in her weakened state. I hold her hand to make her feel better, and she flinches every time someone else touches her. I know I shouldn't be talking much to her. She just went through something traumatic and she is probably tired. Nat tries to get some information on what happened out of her, but she doesn't respond, and has a haunted look in her eyes. "Nat, she'll talk when she's ready," Clint says.
    A few of the other Avengers try to talk (or should I say write) to her, but Nova gets anxious and squeezes my hand tighter. We reach the Avengers compound, and Mr. Strange leaves through a portal. "Tony!" Pepper runs up and hugs Mr. Stark. "Why didn't you answer my calls? Where were you?" He smiles as Morgan runs up and hugs him. "No reception in another universe," he states plainly. "Another universe? You have some explaining to do. Including why Thor has a bunch of webbed up HYDRA agents and- " She cuts off as soon as she sees me. I probably have bloodshot eyes from crying, and I'm holding Nova's hand. "Peter, are you ok?" She starts apologizing for Tony bringing me into this, but stops when she sees Nova on a stretcher being pushed fast into a med room. She turns to Mr. Stark. "Tony, who is that kid?" She asks, anger and confusión thick in her voice.
     "Alright, calm down. It's just a kid from another universe-"
"You kidnapped a kid from their universe?!"
      "More like saved actually. How about we talk about this later?" Pepper nods and walks over to me as Toby enters the tower. "Hey, Pete," she says. "How was your little multiverse trip?" I sigh. There was just so much that went on. It was really overwhelming. Especially when my new friend is extremely injured. "It was fine! I made a new friend. Maybe you can talk to her later. She's a little shy." I don't want to worry Pepper. That's the last thing I want to do to anyone. "Alright, why don't we get you inside and something to eat?" I nod, being very hungry at the moment.
She leads me inside, and I head over to my room to change out of the Iron Spider suit. Turns out it just recedes into my pocket. I take out my phone and dial May's number. She picks up on the first ring. "Peter! Where have you been? I've tried calling you so many times and you didn't answer me once. Please don't tell me you're hurt." She's been so worried about me. I should have let her know I was going on a mission. But I didn't expect it would end up in another universe. "I'm fine May. How about you come over here today to pick me up and I'll explain everything?" She agrees, and we hang up the call. I know she is leaving immediately for me, just like she does every time that I come back from a mission.
I head over to the kitchen, where Pepper already has food out for us. "Petey!" Morgan exclaims, running into my legs. "Hey Morgan," I say as I pay her head. "I missed you," I say. She's so cute. I help her up on a chair in the kitchen, and we start eating.
       I can't stop thinking about Nova, though. Is she scared? Lonely? What if she's in pain. I really hope that she was given pain meds. I feel an odd tingling in my neck. My "Peter tingle," as Aunt May calls it. I hear an explosion upstairs, and the ground shakes a little. "Peter!" I hear Mr. Stark call for me. "Get up here now!" He doesn't sound angry at me, but I notice how the sink water is floating around the room now.
       I run upstairs and into the room where Mr. Stark is in. It's covered with medical supplies, and more floating water. I rush over and see Nova on the ground, having another panic attack. "She trusts you. Think you can help out?" I crouch next to her and put a hand on her back. I try to get her attention by tapping her, and she looks up at me. I try exaggerating my breath so she can copy me. Soon, the water falls to the floor, and I bring her into a hug. She gets startled at first, but eventually sinks into it. "Why was she panicking, Mr. Stark?"  He looks at the ground when he replies. "I was trying to get her to tell me what the man did to her. Maybe you can get it out of her." I don't really want to. She clearly doesn't want to remember, but she has to tell us if we want to help her. I'll try to talk to her about it later. I help her up, being very careful with her arms; they're covered in fresh scars. She should be able to get out of here soon. When she is finished with the blood transfusion and her largest wounds heal, she should be able to leave the med bay.
'Would she stay with Mr. Stark, or someone else?'
     I help her up on the bed, and stay there as Bruce plugs in the IV drip, and many other things back into her. I wave goodbye to her as I walk out the door. "Mr. Parker," FRIDAY's voice sounds through the hallway. "May Parker is waiting for you in the living room." Finally. Almost two days wasn't too much time away from each other, but after traveling the multiverse I feel like I need her. I see her in the hallway, looking a bit more pale then the last time I saw her a few days ago. But Mr. Stark told me she was just sick, so I don't pay much attention to it. I run up and hug her, and she laughs. "Alright, alright. Want to eat Thai food tonight?" I nod, and she picks up her bag. "Hey, May?" Tony asks from behind the counter, looking at the coffee machine. "There's something we have to talk about." She nods, and makes her way ti the cabinet. "While we were on our trip in a different universe, we met an abused girl with powers. We brought her back, and she really trusts Peter. Maybe she could stay with you? I can take care of her if you don't want to, but she feels safe around Peter." She grimaces, and looks down to the floor and back at Mr. Stark. "I don't know, having another kid is a big responsibility... how about I meet her first?" I take May's hand and lead her to the room where Nova is.
        I open the door and see her sitting curled up on the bed. She tenses when she sees May, and tries to get up but finds it too painful. I sit next to her and grab the notepad. "It's fine, she's nice." She scoots closer to me, and I can tell that every movement aches for her. "Aunt May," I say. "This is Nova." I back Aunt May up on everything. How a man had hurt her, how she woke up with no memory, how she has powers. And how she doesn't like other people being near her. But I'm the exception for some reason. I don't mind being the exception.
We talk with each other a bit more. It was more of May, Tony, and I speaking, since she didn't really have anything she wants to talk about. May likes her, and wants to adopt her. I'm happy. Really happy. We would bring her home tomorrow. Ms. Cho came in with a machine earlier which was able to heal the largest scars.
Nova seemed to realize that we wouldn't hurt her, but she still kept her distance.
I know it'll take time for her to trust again. But I'll help her. No matter what.

A/N: Hey everyone!!! Thank you for reading, I'm grateful for all of you! Feels free to tell me recommendations! Have a good day.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now