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A/N: Hey guys! If you are reading this, I appreciate you all! WARNING! Panic attack.

  Peter walks away from me and gives me a small wave. He lays down on the couch and looks back at me for a quick second, then falls asleep.

'Sleep, I wish I could do that right now...' But I can't. What if they try to hurt me when I'm at my most vulnerable? I can't let them do that. So, I stay awake. And I watch. Seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours. And pretty soon the first light hits the shattered window, and so does the first person. He has a bow and arrow, but he isn't carrying them right now. He turns to me and starts to write. "Do you know sign language?" I shake my head. Maybe I once did, but maybe I forgot it. Who knows?

The rest of the group wakes up, and soon there are nine people walking around and one Peter sleeping on the couch. A blond man comes near me, and I instinctively edge away. "I'm Steve," he writes. Then he introduces me to this group called, "The Avengers." He explains their situation. How I was the one who pulled them away from their universe, and some group of bad people called, "HYDRA." But I can't believe them. Killer always told me about how other people would act nice at first, and then hurt me harder than he ever did. And now there were 10 people in the cabin who could do this to me.

'Oh crap.'

It's starting to feel really small in here. Like the walls are closing in. I'm too close to these people. Too many. They could attack me at any moment. My vision is fading. Going white. My head is throbbing, and my body feels like it was slowly dunked in ice water. My chest starts to tighten, and my breaths come out short as tears run off my face. Hot tears, cold face. Tight chest, throbbing head. I can feel my heartbeat rising. I remember things from the last eight months.
      The time that Killer put me in a closet right after beating me to the point of falling unconscious. So small. So little air. Just like right now. The days he would kick and punch me. The days he would smash glass on me as I slept. The times he wouldn't stop cutting things into my skin. It hurts. Just like how the headache hurts. It burns. I can't handle this anymore. I can't even breath right. Can I breath? Just barely. What happens when I stop breathing? Will I stop breathing? I don't even know at this point.
      I feel a hand on my shaking shoulder.
'Please, please don't be him. Please don't be him.'
      Whoever it is has been patting my back gently. They should stop. It hurts. The cuts and bruises hurts. I hope they don't hurt me. They can't.
'Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me.'
     I don't know how long they have been patting my back. I don't know how long I have been stuck like this. I don't even know what is going on. But I can feel my power inside of me, ready to burst. It takes me nearly all of my energy just to keep it in. Because I'm so tired, eventually I snap out of it, and all of the Avengers surround me. Peter is stroking my back, and Tony keeps signaling for me to look at him. I do, and he brings out a piece of paper. "Can you try to copy my breathing?" He breaths exaggerated, so I can see his chest rise and fall in a slow and steady motion. At first, my breathing is still fast and shallow, but he helps me through that, and my breathing slows.

    "What happened there?" Tony writes. I shake my head and walk to the bathroom. I lock the door and sink to the ground. They can't know. They seem nice, but what if they're just waiting for the perfect moment to strike? Better to be safe than sorry. I wait for just a minute. To just be alone. Just to feel safe. If there ever were such a feeling. I stand up and walk back to the kitchen. Everyone sees me and moves out and away from me. Peter gives me a reassuring smile. I go to the cereal box I had gotten yesterday, and realize it was less than half full. If Killer found out... I decide to eat a bit of it, and then I return it back into the cabinet.  I turn around only to see some sort of hologram floating in the air, and Tony watching the videos of me. Me hurting people before I woke up eight months ago.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now