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Peter leaves the room with the rest of the group. He has told me the woman was Aunt May, and that tomorrow I would be moving in with them. I'm glad I'll be somewhere with Peter, but I really just don't want to hurt him. What if I do? Just like I hurt all those other people. Maybe this universe will be different. I wipe my hands on my bedsheets, trying to wipe off the blood which is still on my hands. The blood of the people I killed. Tony showed me to a shower and gave me new cloths. Cloths that weren't old or covered in dried blood.
I continue to sit up, looking at nothing. Just my own thoughts.
'What would it be like when I move in?'
'There has to be a better way of communicating without writing.'
Clint seems to read my mind, because he comes in a few minutes later with an idea for that last thought. Sign language. He teaches me simple words and phrases at first, and teaches me more and more throughout the night. I may not be fluent, but I can make more then a couple sentences now.
It's around ten now, and Clint tells me to sleep before leaving the room. I don't listen, and instead I keep practicing the signs. I stare at the wall for at least an hour before Steve comes in. He takes the notebook, (I hate the notebook) and gives me what he wrote. "You should be asleep right now." I shake my head. I don't feel safe, and I'll have nightmares. Bad nightmares. "Want me to put on a movie? Staring at that wall is going to get boring soon." I nod, and write down the name of the only movie I know. "Star Wars, the rise of Skywalker." It looks like he laughs, and puts on the movie with the subtitles. "Looks like Peter got to you. I'll leave you alone with your movie. Good night." He sets down the notebook and walks out the door.
I watch the movie for hours, and it automatically goes to the next after it finishes. Would Peter be happy that I'm watching his favorite TV series, or mad that I watched it without him? I continue to watch the next movie, and the next. Soon it's morning when Bruce comes in. He gives me a smile and a wave before checking on me. Then he motions for me to list my shirt so he can see my stomach scars. I pull away instead, not wanting anyone to be able to see them. I can't even look at my own wrist without throwing up. He gives me a patient look, and I lift it, closing my eyes. He must have come closer to me, because I feel his hand checking the wound. I quickly pull away and almost fall off my bed trying to get away. Only one person has ever touched me (who I trust) and everyone else forced their hands on me. Weather it be to help or harm.
       Tony walks into the room and starts to sign. "Good morning. Clint told me he taught you some sign language. Are you hungry?" I felt a wave of relief wash through me. I could understand what he signed. It was so much easier for me to communicate this way. I nod in reply, and try to follow Tony. I don't trust him fully, but I know I can trust him enough to follow him in his own house. As long as he doesn't get too close.
       This is by far one of the biggest places I've ever been. Just a quarter of this hallway would be larger then the cabin. The kitchen could fit five of them. I use the wall to support myself since every step makes me wince in pain. "You need help?" Clint signs, from a red barstool. I shake my head. "No," I sign. "I'm fine." But just signing that made my arms feel like they're on fire. I sit down on one of the stools, and Tony hands me a plate of food. "Pancakes," he finger spelled. And they were good. Anything tastes better than old cereal after you've eaten it enough times. It's the most full I have ever felt since I can remember (which is up until eight months ago). I don't know what to do now. What do you do when you are finally free? I sit and think about it for a few minutes before Thor wakes me up from my trance. He clasp's a hand around my shoulder, and starts to talk. I can practically feel his voice. But that's not my focus right now. His hand, is on my shoulder. And it hurts. A tear almost escapes my eye from the stabbing, burning sensation running through my body. And I get scared. And cold. I remember how Killer started hurting me with a strong hand on my shoulder. Just like how Thor is doing. I almost freak out again, but Nat waves Thor away from me. I start to calm down, and rest my head on the table.
        My eyes feel so heavy. The black bags underneath them resting on my sunken in face proves that. Steve comes in and pushes my unfinished plate of pancakes towards me again. I had only eaten about three bites, but that's as much as my mind would allow it.
'I need to save it. What if there isn't anymore for me? I'm not hungry anyways.'
         I push the plate away from me again. Bruce is watching me now. I try to get out of here. Too many people, I can't handle it. Bruce blocks the doorway and brings out the notebook. "You're already very underweight. You need to finish." I sigh and start to sign. I don't want to use the notebook. "Not hungry." He looks over to Clint and talks to him, and Clint talks back to him. He must be translating me. I turn back to Clint as he gives Bruce's response. "You need to." I push past Bruce and go into the room I spent the night in. Bruce blocks the door and points back to the kitchen. "If you aren't going ti eat, at least stay in the living room with everyone else. Peter and his Aunt are coming soon," he writes.
       I head back as he heads inside of my room. Why is he in there anyways? I push the thought out of my mind and sit on the couch. I look down at my legs, not one scar showing since they were covered in comfy grey sweatpants. My arms were covered in a T-shirt with a teal jacket on top. I made sure whatever I had on covered all of me. I don't like seeing myself. But there's nothing I could do about the scars on my ears, so I lave my hair at the sides of my face so I don't have to see as much of the shredded mess. Out of the corner of my eye I see Peter and May entering the room.
       He gives me a few signs I can tell he just learned by the uncertain look on his face.
      "Let's go home."

A/N: Hey guys! Stuck with me please! It gets interesting with time! I just need to time the surprise!

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now