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I'm here. My body hurts so bad. I can't even stand to run away or fight if I wanted to. I feel someone tug at my arm. Peter. Wait- he's in my universe? Nonnononono. He can't be able to get out of here if I don't get up. I try with everything in my body, and he helps pull me up. I let out a whimper of pain as he touches my burnt skin. It's even burned on the inside, that's what the liquid in the IV was for. But I still try to run and walk was Peter quickly swings us out of this base and anywhere away from May and Keller.

He takes us out of whatever building we're in and onto a building a few minutes away. I'm surprised I stayed awake, considering how tired I am and all my injuries. It's about ten minutes away, and he sets me in the cold roof. I'm surprised that we're in New York when I brought us here this time. I thought it would have brought us back to home. Or my old home, anyways.

I sigh in relief of it cooling me down, even if the snow will soon make me extremely cold. Peter helps sit me up against a wall, tears in his eyes. He hugs me tightly, and if I could move, I would hold onto him as hard as I could. "Are you okay?" He signs, and searches my eyes with fear in his own. I give him a faint smile. My mouth tries to form a word; just like how Sam and everyone I can remember can talk. If they could do it, maybe I could remember how to do it. I know I used to be able to. "Peter," I say. It sounds like a word I've said before, but it sounds weird with the CI. I'll get used to it. How it sounds.

He gives me a smile and hugs me again. He holds me like that for a few minutes, and I think about all the times I remember how to talk. The days I would say to some of my friends: "Hey, guys! What's up?" I remember some of the days I could talk like that, and I try to do it again. "Other... person... like me... Sam," I manage to say. My voice isn't used to talking after so long forgetting how to.

"We'll focus on that tomorrow," he signs to me. "I'm tired. You too. Let's rest." He moves some snow out of the way and lies me down in the cold roof, hugging me to keep me warm. I nuzzle my head into his neck.

I'm so tired.
Nova follows Sam through the streets of whatever city they're in now. Sam is running faster, and eventually uses fire to boost her way up closer to the sky. Nova tries the same, and this time it works. She ignores how her skin is almost on fire, and the hard headache which makes her head throb.

"Come," Sam says to Nova. Why does she only see her occasionally? Nova pushes that thought out her head, and follows Sam. Blurry, blurry, Sam.

Nova watches as Sam enters store after store, in an old hoodie pulled up over her head, preventing anyone from seeing her true self. She uses her powers as a distraction, and runs with things like food, water, medicine, and many more items. Sam doesn't want to. She wasn't raised to be a thief, but what can you do when the government wants you? She had made her way up to Jacksonville, in hopes the other enhanced individual could be here. Nova watched the whole time, waves of fear making her shiver as she entered her home town.

Men attack Sam. Police, HYDRA, angry bystanders, all attack. Nova remembers this. She watches as Sam uses water to pick up the lamp post and throw it at the others. As she attacks viciously with a smile plastered on her face the whole time. Nova watches as Sam is hit over and over again. Sam's power starts to fail. A man takes the opportunity to cut her ears.

This is... too much for Nova. She touches the scars of her own ears as she watches Sam. Sam runs into the forest a moment later. She collapses. What Sam didn't know, what Nova didn't know, was why the power had weakened. Why she had forgotten how to use it.

Nova collapses next to Sam and a tear escapes both their eyes. "The future hasn't treated me well, has it?" Sam says sadly. Nova realizes what's happening. "Now you remember," Sam adds with a sad smile.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now