Chapter 3: Broken Star, Broken Hearts

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Stella searched the workshop for Bernard. She eventually found him in their room, passed out in a chair. Stella smirked and shook her head. She then ever so gently woke him up. He got a little startled when Stella gently shook him and he flinched awake.
"What? What?" Bernard said, groggily.
"I've been looking everywhere for you," Stella said with a slight giggle.
"I'm sorry, Bella Stella. I'm just so exhausted," Bernard said as he rubbed his face with both hands.
"I know, I could use a nap too. Everything is going wrong," Stella sighed. "Maybe this is a sign that we're trying to retire too early," Stella said as she took a seat beside Bernard.
"No, I don't think that's the problem," Bernard said as he sat up. "Someone's been messing with everything and we need to find out who it is."
Just then all the lights went out and a voice came over the PA.
It was Curtis.
"Oh, what now?" Stella groaned.
"We better go," Bernard said as he got up from the chair. He took his wife's hand and they headed to the factory. Everything was a mess. Teddy bears were flying everywhere, the list machine was malfunctioning again and some of the machines were on fire.
"Oh my god," Stella groaned.
"How did this happen?" asked Bernard.
"I'm tired of this, I'm just gonna use my magic," Stella said as she put her hands up.
"Stella, no. Using your magic during pregnancy is risky. Not to mention it makes your magic all wacky," Bernard said as he grabbed Stella's hands. Stella groaned just as the fire elves came in. They walked over to the fire which was also where Santa was.
"Elves, give me an aisle. Come on. Let the professionals at it," Scott said as he cleared the way for the fire elves.
"Stay low, hit the base of the flame," the chief said as he and the other fire elves shot the foamy liquid at the fire.
"Sir! Sir!" Curtis called.
"Curtis, Curtis, stop," Scott said as he stepped in front of Curtis. Stella and Bernard looked down at Scott and saw something.
"Uh, Dad?" Stella said.
"No not now, Stella. Look, Curtis. If you're gonna tell me our entire facility is in ruin and that Christmas is tomorrow, and for the first time in history, all the kids of the world won't get what they asked for because I failed, stop it. I can't stand one more piece of bad news," Santa told Curtis.
"Well, then, good news, sir," said Curtis.
"Your pants are on fire."
Santa paused, then yelled; "Fire in the hole!"
"Chief!" Stella yelled.
"I'm on it, Stella!" the chief yelled as he started to fire at Santa's butt.
"Whoa," Santa groaned in relief. "Ahh."
Just then, Jack came into view.
"Oh, my. Is there anything I can do?" asked Jack.
"Yeah. Why don't you put a chill on my bottom for me? Come on," Santa said as he turned around. Jack hesitated.
"Alright, go to the Naughty and Nice area and help the elves clean it up," said Santa. "Go! Move, move, move!"
"Go! Quickly, move it! Out of our way! Stop lollygagging!" Jack yelled as he urged himself and Curtis over to the Nauhty and Nice Center.
"Okay, I need a status report," Santa told the elves.
"Springs on the pogo sticks melted, sir," David told Scott.
"Oh, let me see, let me see. Ah, I like that toy," Santa said as David handed him the sticks.
"Glenda, give me a status report," Santa told the young girl elf.
"Legs on the ironing board burned up, sir," Glenda told Santa.
"Ooh, let me see," Scott said as Glenda approached Santa.
"Only the wheels are left on the wooden trucks, sir," Kayla told Santa as she held the wheels in her hands.
"That was my favorite," Santa said as Kayla put the wheels in Santa's arms.
"The rockets are in pieces, but the launch motors are intact, sir," Kai told Santa as he held up the motor.
"Launch motors intact?" Santa asked. "Get over here. I think I got an idea," Santa said as he placed all the items on a workbench and started to get to work. Everyone around watched, very intrigued as Santa's hands worked at a fast pace. With the ding of a timer, Sabta turned around with a brand new toy.
"Jet-powered scooter board."
"Yay!" all the elves cheered in unison.
"Way to go, Santa!" a boy elf yelled.
"Yay!" Jack yelled with fake enthusiasm.
"Awesome work, Dad," Stella said as she patted her dad's back.
"That's how the men in red get things done," Santa said as he handed the scooter board to Joey. "Alright, we got a schedule to keep. Let's get back to work," Santa said as he started to yell directions towards the elves. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"
"Whoa. You're just amazing," Jack said to Santa with false enthusiasm. Santa chuckled. "Can't keep a good Santa down, huh?"
Santa shook his head. "So, doesn't anything bother you?" asked Jack.
"Nah, you don't sweat the small stuff, Jack," Santa said as he put his hand in front of his face. "Problem at work, that's a challenge. Problem at home, that's a problem."
Jack made a face as if he had just gotten an idea.
"Uncle Scott! Uncle Scott!" Lucy exclaimed as she approached Santa. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen in the whole world!"
Scott chuckled as he gave Lucy a hug. "Wait a minute. You weren't worried, were you?" asked Santa.
"Not for a second," Lucy smiled as she shook her head.
"Yeah, neither was I," Scott replied with a chuckle.
"Uncle Scott, you know what I've been dying to see?" asked Lucy.
"Mm, no," Scott replied as he shook his head.
"Your snow globe collection," Lucy replied. Jack, who was listening in, made a very interested face.
"Ooh, that's a good idea. Dad, go ahead and take Lucy and Bernard and I will go check in with the family," Stella said as she took Bernard's hand.
"All right. You can see it. If you can catch me," Santa said before he took off running. Lucy ran after him. "Watch out, comin' through," Santa called as he and Lucy ran towards the staircase. "Last one up is a glazed ham," Santa called as he and Lucy ran up the stairs. Stella and Bernard chuckled before leaving the workshop to go find Carol, Bud, Sylvia, Jade and Ariana, totally unaware of Jack's plans.
"What are we gonna do, Bernard?" Stella asked as they left the workshop. "Dad seems like he's able to fix any problem that comes his way but something about retiring just doesn't seem right," Stella said.
"Well, I'm sure we'll figure it out soon. We just need more time to think about it. We don't have to retire immediately after our children are born. We can wait a little while. And you have to go on maternity leave next month anyway, so you'll have a little more time to think about it," Bernard reassured as they caught the eye of Carol and her parents along with Stella's two friends, Laura, and Neal.
"Stella, Bernard, hey," Carol called over. Stella and Bernard made their way over.
"Hey, is everything okay?" Carol asked with a concerned look.
"It's all being taken care of. Dad fixed the problem and now he's taking Lucy on a little detour, Stella replied.
"Okay, well we were just going to go to Scott's office to decorate the tree. Care to join?" asked Carol.
"Of course. Can we use my tree topper this year?" Stella asked as her eyes lit up.
"Of course we can, we always do," Carol said as she put her arm over Stella's shoulder. Ariana and Jade linked arms and connected with Stella's free arm.

My Christmas Star ( A Santa Clause Story Ft Bernard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now