Chapter 4: Frozen Heart

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Bernard and Carol reached the Snow Queen's fortress. They landed the slay a few yards back and began walking towards the fortress.
"Do you think she knows we're here?" asked Carol. Just then the ground started to shake, causing the two of them to fall to the ground.
"Yep. Yep. She definitely knows," Bernard said as he and Carol helped each other up. Just then, the fifteen foot abominable snowman that Stella had only created moments ago stomped right in front of them.
"How are we going to beat that?" asked Carol right before the abominable snowman roared in their faces, which caused wind and snow to blow in their faces.
"In my satchel, there's ornaments and some tinsel that I snuck in," Bernard said as calmly as he could. Carol very slowly and calmly went to search in Bernard's satchel. She heard beeping and got out the GPS.
"Uh, Bernard?" asked Carol.
"Yes?" Bernard asked with a nervous chuckle as he tried not to look away from the abominable Snowman who was growling at them.
"The GPS. It's beeping," Carol said.
"Well, what is it saying?" asked Bernard. Carol took the GPS and looked at it.
"Stella's moving back up North," Carol replied as she saw the tiny red dot on the GPS move North.
"Well, it's kind of too late to turn back now. Now, Mrs. Claus, I want you to listen very closely," Bernard said nervously.
"Yes?" said Carol.
"Take a couple of ornaments and give me the tinsel," Bernard told Carol. Carol nodded and grabbed two red ornaments. She then grabbed the tinsel and gave it to Bernard. Carol slowly rose up from the level she was at and stared up at the abominable snowman who was now getting ready to attack.
"Great. Now what?" asked Carol.
"On the count of three, throw the ornaments at the yeti. I will run over and tie it up with the tinsel, okay?" asked Bernard.
"Okay," Carol said uneasily.
Carol wasted no time and threw an ornament, it hit the abominable snowman in the face and it exploded.
"Now, keep throwing ornaments until I make it over there!" Bernard yelled as he began to run over to the abominable snowman. Carol threw another ornament grenade and grabbed more. The abominable snowman roared in anger and started to gather up snow to make a giant snowball. He threw it towards Carol who had to dive and duck out of the way. Bernard still ran towards the abominable snowman. Carol recovered and grabbed more ornaments. This time she was now running and dodging in different directions to avoid being hit by giant snowballs. She was able to distract it just enough so that Bernard could tie the tinsel around the abominable snowman's feet.
"Mrs. Claus! Over here!" Bernard yelled as he signaled Carol over. Mrs. Claus looked up at the abominable snowman, who was now starting to struggle with his feet. Carol took this as an opportunity to run towards Bernard.
"On the other side!" Bernard yelled as he gestured to the other foot where a loose piece of tinsel was hanging loose. Carol ran towards that foot and grabbed the loose tinsel.
"On three, pull," Bernard said. Carol nodded. "One...two...three!"
Bernard and Carol pulled on their sides of the tinsel, which tightened the tinsel around the abominable snowman's feet. This caused the abominable snowman to lose his balance and fall forwards. Carol and Bernard moved out of the way so that they wouldn't get hurt in the process of the abominable snowman's fall.
The abominable snowman struggled to get up.
"Should we run now?" asked Carol.
"Yep," Bernard replied briskly. The two ran away from the abominable snowman and towards the Snow Queen's fortress.

They got to the doors and opened them. They ran inside and the Snow Queen was sat at her throne.
"It's over, Snow Queen!" Bernard yelled as he pointed to the woman. Carol was too busy gawking at her.
"Cute," the Snow Queen said nonchalantly. "You really think you can save Stella? Well, it's too late for that now," she said with a smirk. Bernard looked down and saw that she was wearing Stella's necklace. His heart shattered.
"What do you mean, too late? And why do you look like me?" asked Carol.
"The Shattered Sight is already reaching her heart. Not only that but, she's under my control now," the Snow Queen smirked. "And it seems to be that you actually look like me. I'm two-thousand years older than you."
"Well, it's still weird. And if Stella's still under your control, then why is she heading back north?" asked Carol as she took out the GPS and held it out. The Snow Queen's expression didn't change.
"Because that's where I sent her," the Snow Queen replied. "She was the only one who had access to the Pole. I sent her to keep anyone else from trying to save her. She's leading a storm of Shattered Sight to the North Pole as we speak," the Snow Queen explained.
"What?" Bernard yelled.
"No!" Carol exclaimed.
"Oh, yes, yes," the Snow Queen said as she stood up from her throne. "The Shattered Sight will not only make your little elves destroy the Pole, they'll destroy themselves and Christmas along with it," The Snow Queen said with an evil grin.
"You sick, sick woman!" Bernard yelled.

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