Chapter 8: Slipping Through My Fingers

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*Knock Knock*

Stella opened the door and in came the only two friends she's ever known throughout high school. They all squealed and gave Stella a huge hug. They both looked different. Ariana had her hair dyed and Jade's highlights were gone. And of course they both looked like they were in their twenties, unlike Stella
"Oh my god, girl. You haven't aged a day," Ariana said happily as Stella invited them in. Stella wanted to take it like a compliment but she felt like an outcast since she didn't age like her two friends.
"Yeah, you have got to teach us your secret," Jade said as she stepped in with Ariana.
"Magic," Stella said as she closed the door.
"So, how's life in Canada?" Jade asked as the three girls headed into the living room.
"Oh, it's great. I love helping my Dad out at the workshop," Stella replied as she took a seat on the couch.
"How good does it pay?" Ariana asked as she took a seat next to Stella.
"Oh, it's good. I still live with my Dad but that's kind of a given since we work for the same company," I replied.
"Would you ever think of moving out once you're married?" Jade asked.
"Maybe. I haven't discussed it with either my Dad or my husb–fiance," Stella corrected herself. "Do either of you want a drink?" I asked.
"Got any beer?" asked Jade. Stella paused.
"I'm more of a wine gal," said Ariana.
"We got cocoa, cider and soda," Stella said with a nervous chuckle.
"What, you're not drinking?" asked Jade. Stella shook her head. The two then exchanged looks.
"Wait, does that mean you're..."
"Pregnant! You're pregnant!" Ariana squealed as she and Jade stood up from the crouch.
"Shhh! No, I'm not pregnant," Stella hissed as she pushed her friends back on the couch. "I just don't drink," Stella replied.
"Don't or won't?" Jade asked with a smirk.
"Both. Alcohol is basically poison," Stella said as she headed to the fridge. As alternatives she got the girls cokes.
"But, it's so fun!" Ariana said as Stella handed them their cokes.
"Are the hangovers fun?" Stella asked as she looked between her friends.
"No, but those are usually gone within a couple hours if you know what you're doing," Jade dismissed.
"Now, we definitely know what we're doing for your bachelorette party," Ariana said with a giggle.
"No. No, no, no. I am not going out drinking with you two," Stella said as she dismissed Ariana with a wave.
"Come on! It'll just be us girls. We can even go to a male strip club," Ariana said with a wink.
"NO! God, no. I will be guilty for the rest of my life," Stella exclaimed.
"Okay, fine. We'll just go to a club. But, you need to at least try to drink once. You're 25 for heaven's sake," Ariana said before she took a sip of her coke.
"I know. But, I work with kids and drinking is not a good look for me," Stella replied as she sat back down on the couch.
"At least come to the club with us and drink at least once," Jade pleaded. Stella gulped.
"Fine. But, only one drink," Stella said as she put up her index finger.
"Yes!" Jade and Ariana said in unison before the two high-fived each other.

*Later that Night*

Stella was dressed up in a purple skin-tight dress with 6-inch heels. She walked down the staircase. Neal, Laura, Charlie and Bernard were playing a board game.
"Whoa," said Neal.
"Wow," said Laura. Charlie wolf-whistled.
"Pretty!" Lucy said. Bernard stood there, his jaw agape.
"Where are you going dressed like that?" Laura asked her daughter.
"I told you, Mom. Jade and Ariana are taking me out clubbing for our bachelorette party," Stella replied.
"Clubbing?" asked Bernard.
"Oh, it's a place adults go to dance and drink adult beverages," Stella replied. Bernard got up and walked up to Stella.
"Stella, alcohol is poison for elves. We can't even drink wine," Bernard told Stella. Stella pursed her lips.
"Okay, I'll just change the drink when the girls aren't looking. I'll change beer to cider, vodka into water and whisky and tequila into coke, etc, etc," Stella said.
"Good. I'd like to keep my wife around, you know," Bernard said with a chuckle.
Just then, someone knocked on the door. Stella went over and answered it. There stood Jade and Ariana.
"You ready, foxy mama?" Jade said with a smirk.
"Yeah, just a moment," Stella said. She took her purse off of the coat stand and kissed Bernard before she left.
They took Jade's car to a club in Chicago. It was difficult for Stella to go in since she didn't look her age but Jade and Ariana managed to charm the bouncer into letting Stella in.
They walked over to the bar and the first drink they ordered for stella was a shot of vodka.
"Alright, girl. We're gonna take it easy on you. Try this," Jade said as she handed Stella the shot of vodka. The two girls stared at Stella.
"What in the world is that?" Stella asked as she pointed behind the two girls. When they looked behind them, Stella quickly changed the vodka into water with her magic.
"What was what?" asked Ariana as her and Jade turned back around. "I didn't see anything."
Stella shrugged. "Thought I saw something," Stella said before she took the shot of water. Stella grimaced after taking the shot.
"How was it?" Jade asked with a smirk.
"Great," Stella's voice rasped. Luckily, she knew how to act like she was drinking since she grew up watching a lot of adult films with her Dad before he became Santa.
"It burns a little, huh?" Ariana asked with a giggle.
"Oh, yeah. It burns," Stella said with a cough. Let's get you another one," Jade said. She got another shot of vodka and Stella turned it into water when the girls weren't looking. She kept that up for the rest of the night. So far she had to turn wine into grape juice, beer into cider, and continued turning vodka into water. Stella had to act as if she was absolutely wasted. She even used her magic to put bags under her eyes and messed her hair up.

My Christmas Star ( A Santa Clause Story Ft Bernard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now