Chapter 2: Stella's Legend

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In order to turn Stella into a Legend, Mother Nature, Father Time, and Sandman went back in time way before Christmas became existent. It was the year of 2 and Father Time looked hard to find someone who'd be a perfect fit to originate Stella's legend. And then he found it. A young girl who was Stella's age (before her becoming an elf) who had the gift of kindness, giving and beauty. Her name was Elizabeth Stea. Unfortunately for that young girl, life was cut short and she had died from a mysterious illness. Wondering whether or not the girl made it to the gates of heaven, Father time decided to follow the girl into the afterlife and to the gates of heaven. He saw that young Elizabeth Stea was greeted at the gates by Angel Gabriel, the same angel who had told the Virgin Mary she would be carrying the child of God himself. Father Time watched as Angel Gabriel talked to her and reassured her. He then decided to gift her another chance at life. But not as a human, as a star. And not just any star, the star of Bethlehem itself. Elizabeth accepted the offer and was soon overtaken by a bright blue light which flew her higher than the heavens where she became the star of Bethlehem and soon led scribes and priests to the small town, south of Jerusalem. And there they had it. An origin for Stella's legend, which had already existed, it just wasn't written down in religious writings.

The next thing they did was have Sandman give the scribes and priests that had attended the birth of Christ, dreams of the star that led them to the town of Bethlehem, which would help start the legend of Stella. When the scribes and priests had these dreams, they spread it to their churches and people spread the story throughout the towns and cities which soon spread farther out to other countries.
Father time, Mother Nature and Sandman then traveled forward in time to where Saint Nicholas had become Santa Claus and was dreaming of the prophecy to the Chosen One. Since the legend of Elizabeth Stea as Bethlehem was already well known by then, the only thing they had to do was make sure that the legend of Stella herself would be known. Sandman added a dream to the prophecy in which if the Legend of the Chosen one wasn't spread worldwide, the spirit of Christmas would vanish.
And of course as soon as Saint Nick woke up, he used the magic of Bethlehem to carry on the legend of the Chosen One by creating an alias for her. He called it, Christmas Spirit Herself. The Alias soon spread to countries world-wide as did the prophecy but as if the prophecy has already happened. He had stand-ins for Christmas Spirit Herself but were really elves who stood in as a substitute. First was Belsnickel who lasted up until he reached his teenage years before he became a human, then once Saint Nick retired, Bernard and the new Santa Claus helped spread Christmas Spirit Herself during the years. The Santa Clauses that followed had either used the Escape Clause or simply didn't care for the prophecy and as hard as Bernard and the other elves tried, they just couldn't get those Santas to do it. That was until Scott Calvin became Santa Claus and his daughter Stella had been chosen to take on the jobs as Santa Claus and his assistant. Of course, since the legend of Stella was now existent in her time, some things about her time line changed. Such as...

*Christmas Eve 1994*

"What's that?" Charlie asked.
"What's what?" Scoot Calvin as he turned back around.
"A Rose Suchak ladder?"
"It's not a ladder. I said, arose such a clatter," Scott Calvin replied. "It means, eh, came a big noise."
"What?" Charlie asked, confused. Scott sighed and turned Charlie's bedroom light back on and stepped inside. Stella followed in right behind him.
"Charlie, arose is a word that means it came, and clatter is a big noise. Now, please, go to sleep. Shut your eyes," Scott explained as he sat down on the white chair in front of Charlie's bed and grabbed the book again and opened it.
"How do reindeer fly? They don't have any wings?" Charlie asked.
"Ooh, I want to answer this question," Stella said as I plopped myself down on the edge of Charlie's bed.
"The secret is in their diets," Stella replied.
"What about them makes the reindeer fly?" asked Charlie.
"Well, long ago Santa and the elves discovered a special formula of reindeer food. The special formula contains a magic that helps them fly. They eat it all year long which supplies them with just enough magic for them to fly all around the world in one day," Stella explained.
"I thought it was one night. Not one day," Charlie said.
"Well, think about it. It's only night in one half of the world right now and it's already Christmas morning in the other half of the world. So that gives Santa a whole day. Santa is already halfway done with his deliveries," Stella replied.
"But, if Santa's so fat, how did he get down the chimneys?" asked Charlie.
"He sucks it in like Grandpa," Scott replied, pretending to suck in his stomach.
"But what about people who don't have fireplaces? How does he get into their house?" asked Charlie. Stella wanted to answer that question but dad beat me to it.
"Charlie, sometimes believing in something means you--means you just believe in it. Santa uses reindeer to fly because that's how he has to get around," Dad replied as he closed the book once more.
"He also chose reindeer because it stuck out more than using something like winged horses, plane or a flock of birds because we've all seen that before."
"Well, no one has seen Santa and his reindeer," said Charlie.
"Have you ever seen a million dollars?" I asked. Charlie shook his head. "Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist," I replied. Charlie stared at me for a moment then looked at dad.
"Dad, you do believe in Santa, right?" Charlie asked.
"Of course I believe in Santa. Now, please, go to sleep," Dad told Charlie as he got up from the chair again and placed it on the dresser. I got up as dad turned off Charlie's bedroom light.
"Stella?" Charlie asked. I turned around.
"Yes, Charlie?"
"Do you believe in not just Santa but in the Christmas Spirit Herself?" asked Charlie.
"Oh, you mean that religious story of the girl who was gifted to become a star after dying of an illness? Of course I do. I might not be religious but I like the idea of their being a child in a star like the man in the moon," Stella replied.
"We read her story in school. The girl reminded me a lot like you," Charlie said.
"Really? How so?" Stella asked.
"Well, the book said she was kind, giving and beautiful. You're all of those," Charlie said with a yawn. Charlie smiled sweetly.
"Why, thank you Charlie. I am honored that you think that much of me. I'll see you in the morning, okay?" Stella said as she started to leave Charlie's room once more.
"Stella?" came Charlie's voice once again.
"Did you leave some cookies and milk out? Just in case?" Charlie asked.
"Of course I did. Goodnight Charlie."
"Goodnight, Stella."

My Christmas Star ( A Santa Clause Story Ft Bernard x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu