3 2 17

In walked in his grandmother. She was beautiful. Looking like a goddess of sixty-five years. Her age haven't seem to change. Her white hair seems like the most richest thing on her black face. Her black didn't crack.

"What do you mean? Where is grandpa?"

"What kind of old man are you Frankie? An old man like you shouldn't be saying Grandfather anymore."

"Let me tell you something woman, loose that crap and let me go wild out in this place."

"Oh, I know you, and you can't go wild out up in here. This ain't no damn soldier ground. Sit yuh ass down."

Frankie mouth opened in shock at her order, she have not changed one bit, but he has and he wasn't a little boy anymore to take her crap. He stood his ground. Bending there and here to see if he could get a glimpse of his wife.

"Give us some pace," His grandmother said with a sigh.

They all walk away and vanish through a glassy thick area. Frankie watched in shock, everything seems to surprise him now a days.

"You shouldn't have let the kids search for Deborah, we have her here with us."

He walked over to a bench and sat down. There were sofas near by too.

So they have sofa in heaven?

The place suddenly gets more surreal than before. The glass walls were now hardened. Everything seems to look like it's on earth, but he knew he wasn't on earth, in fact he wanted to wake up from his dream, this long dream that as been going on and on. He no longer feels like he is alive, he no longer know what is real. He was giving up.

"I'm so sorry," He heard her sob out.

Did she just cried?

"I'm so sorry Frankie, I didn't mean to cause all of this."

He watched her broke down and cried. He sighed and shook his head. His heart soften a little and he sigh again.

"Please forgive me!"

He felt her hands on his knees and touched her, she was kneeling before him. He pulled her up an help her to not down. Her whole body was shaking.

"It's alright," Frankie said,  he was so tired of this.

"I asked Curtis to forgive me but I don't know if he will, I still love him."

"You what?"

Where is love? How can you love and do that?

"I don't expect him to be back with me but I set him free, Frankie," She couldn't seem to stop crying. Her hands where covering her face.

"Oh my God, Frankie I feel so old."

At that Frankie burst out laughing. He look at her pathetic state and laughed the biggest laugh he have in a long while.

Lucill came running through a door and his laugh vanish. He was so happy to see her, he had long ago forgive her about not tell him Deborah  was her sister. They hugged.

"Where is your sister?"

"They sent her off to a place, to rest. I don't think she go make it. She look so old Frankie, but I finally get to bond with my sister so I'm fine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's alright."

"See? Every body is happy but not me. Imma die up in this place," His grandmother continued to cry.

Curtis came walking out. He was well built, strong looking for a man that looks like seventy. The first person he looked at was Frankie. His heartbeat.
He knew Frankie was key, to return to his old self. He was afraid of first but look, he gathered his courage and there he was In flesh and blood.

He walked over to him and hugged him.

Yes, he get to hug his favorite grandson. The only one that is alive.


Years past and everyone was happy except Grandmother. She soon died afterwards with remorse in her heart. She couldn't win back the love of Curtis.

Deborah was old and almost helpless she gave up her revenge on Frankie. Frankie was the one who also make soup for her when Lucill was busy with the kids from down the road.
He was no longer upset with her.

The kids that saw the opening of the sky live to tell the tale, but they were looked at as great story tellers.

Frankie and Lucill get together and created a book. Just like that the story was created into a movie. A movie that the kids love. It was a good story after all they've been through. They used the money to create a bigger and better farm house and also to take care of the poor and needy in the area. Frankie no longer had to sell corns, corns were free for everyone.

One thing was for certain, Frankie never gave up on his lord Jesus Christ. So they had an happy ending, even after they died, statues of them were build, they were legendary.

                         The End

Kid: Under eighteen ; what did you learn from this little story? It was for you anyway lol.

Eighteen and over: What did you learn when you exercise your mind with this one?

I learned something... I learned that I should never stop trying even when I want to give up 😃 Also I learned something from The grandmother; expect what you give to return to you. Not the other way around.

Wow. Amen. Thank the Lord. 😆🤣

I finally finished it. I did it! I love this chapter. Yes! The final chapter was extraordinary. Yes indeed.

I finally feel light. I can focus on my adult mind now. Romance to the rescue. 'The light in my darkness' is going great. Please go ahead and vote guys. Please. Please. Support and make my dream come through.
One of these days you will be watching my movie. Yes! Indeed. I held on tight to that. Anyhoo I love you. A love coming from my cold heart to you my fan.

Thank you.

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