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Continued 1 week earlier

And so Frankie lied to his wife and stayed far away from Deborah. He would meet up with his grandfather almost every day, they would talk and talk until it was time for him to go home. He was basically living his movie.

Due to his belief that history was passed down; he thought that he would reach out to the gods for help because his grandmother was a powerful witch.

So he went one night when everyone was asleep. He pulled on a long black coat, black pants, and black high shoes, he stuck his pistol in the waist of his pants, and lastly, he grabbed a broad cowboy hat over his head.

It was cold outside, even the cows trembled as he pass them. He wondered if he was making the right choice.

But I reached too far to turn back now, He thought to himself because he was two miles from his home. He stood on a dirt road, looking around him, no one was there, houses were far away because this was the shortcut people use to catch water from a spring.

Grass hangs from both sides of the road, if you look up too long, it will feel like it's sucking you in. People were afraid to walk there at night, they usually used wagons or cars. Now one has the guts to travel through there in such cold weather, so he had to walk alone puffing his pipe to keep his nerves from falling off the edge.

"Somebody help me," He said to himself, the moon shines bright but it slowly went watery, he looks up because the road was getting dim and dimmer. He swallowed when he saw it. Even the sky itself seems to turn black.

His feet carry him and he ran off, but who is stupid to outrun a moon? Anywhere you go that moon will find you just like the lighting.

The road seems to follow behind him and get longer in front of him. Trees ripped from their limbs as if they are too tired to be standing. He bared his face with his hands, preventing himself from being hit.

"What are you doing here?" A creepy voice asked. He spin around in fright, sweat burst out on his forehead but when he wiped it, it wasn't sweat but blood. Blood was coming through his pores.

"Ahhhhhh!" He groaned. Wiping his eyes. The sweating stopped but the fear that ran through him was so high in the air, if only it could be smelled, it would have had a high stink stench.
No fear on this earth smells sweat.

" here?" The voice asked again, this time it was much softer, of that of a lady. It echoes around him and he didn't see anyone.

Suddenly a swirl of wind picks up around him and in the mist, a woman walked in her feet not touching the ground. Her long black dress settled on her, her white hair clean and bright as she seems to glow. A glow that lit up around them.

"I'm hear to-to -b-beg for merc-mercy, your highness," He stammered, silently begging Jesus Christ to forgive him.
He feels like he is sinning because he had only known one god and that was the son of Mary. He didn't know marrying his wife could make him meet other gods. He then stopped at that.

My grandmother was a witch for Christ's sake, it's not Lucill's fault

"I can smell your blood on you, it sings a sweet melody," She said her voice gently.

"My blood?"

"I didn't know I would live to see this day, the high and mighty Frankie, your grandmother was right. Destiny was bound to happen."

Grandma? Isn't she dead?

"Where is she? where is grandmother?"

I got carried away and wrote the longest chapter, damn, this is my favorite chapter. I must admit this makes it interesting. Who else agrees with me?

The presence of the howling wind will arrive soon.

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The Man and the Talking Dog✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن