The Storm of Emotions

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Obanai stumbled back as Giyuu stormed pat him, tears flowing down his face. Uzui's fist slammed into the side of his face.

He didn't say a word as he ran after Giyuu. He weaved between things that were thrown behind Giyuu as his magic raged, during out in pulses.

He ducked under a chair and slid in between two portraits before grabbing onto Giyuu, the last shock wave of magic going right past him.

He held on tight as the man clung to him and sobbed his eyes out, memories of that night returning to his mind. Uzui held him closer and began to whisper sweet nothings into his ear as he tried to calm him, feeling the magic about to surge again at higher levels.

The magic threw everything around them back as the doors flew open, revealing a horrified Dumbledore and other Professors.

They stared at the dark waves of magic in shock. "Chaos magic..." Dumbledore whispered in fear.

A sharp cry of emotional agony sent the doors off their hinges and down the hall. They tried to move forward but a strong wind pushed them back. They could only watch and hope Uzui could calm him before this storm of destruction grew.

Three women ran past them and into the fray, the wind seeming to not bother them. They joined in and attempted to calm their lover down as the storm worsened.

The hashira were on the other side of the room, eyes filled with terror.

All bodies were blasted away from Giyuu, Uzui and his wives landing safely as everything got worse.

Until a ghostly hand rested on his head.

"Dear sweet child,
No need to cry,
I will hold you tight,
So sleep all your worries and cares away,
No need to be scared
You're out of harm's way.
I will keep you safe and warm,
Love you everyday.
Reach your tiny hands for the light,
Take your future and make it shine so bright,
With every lie I am crumbling and dying inside,
Wanting to save you with all my might,
But this world is against us,
I cannot fight
They steal you away,
Out of my sight~
But I still pray and I hope that you'll live past today~
Find your own strength please my dear run away
Don't be weak or afraid,
Let your heart lead the way.
I hope, and I pray, you'll be alright..."

The voice carried through the room, making the surging storm stop and disappear. Giyuu began to calm down, eyes drooping. Uzui was quick to catch his body, looking at the ghostly woman.

Her thick black hair was pulled into a fishtail braid, her blue eyes- so familiar- gleaming with unshed tears.

"Take care of him. Take care of my baby brother." She whispered as her form seemed to dissipate into a mist.

Everyone held their breath as Uzui checked over his love to see if he had been injured by the flying debris.

He hugged him tight. Thank god he wasn't hurt. He gently lifted his body and turned around. He glared at the pale Obanai.

"We are going to have a little chat later." He snapped, roughing shoving him to the side as he made his way down to the bedrooms.

He pushed their door open, feeling the floo sending the Professors home without their will. He smirked, remembering giving the floo it's own capabilities was Giyuu's idea. He softly closed the door and laid his love on the bed, gently taking his shoes of and hanging his jacket up.

He changed him into something comfortable and put him under the covers with loving kiss to the temple.

His eyes hardened as he turned towards the door. He slipped out of the room and stormed back to where he could sense Obanai. He slammed the door to the room open and grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt, throwing him across the room.

It was only them, seeing as everyone had opted to ignoring the young man after what he had said. Uzui lifted him up again with a growl. "You ever hurt Giyuu's feeling like that again and I swear to every god that exists I will kill you. He doesn't deserve to hurt like that!"

He snapped before dropping the man harshly. "I expect you and the others out of this home by morning. Ask a house elf how to work the floo." He stormed out, heading back to his beloved.

He opened the door and slid inside, closing it with a soft click. He sighed and took his head band off, letting his hair fall loose. He combed it swiftly, wiping away the red eye makeup he wore and slipping himself into comfortable clothing.

He slid into the bed alongside his future husband and wrapped an arm around him. The bathroom door opened and the girls joined in, going to huddle around the two men.

Giyuu unconsciously smiled and snuggled closer, feeling as if a part of him had been restored at long last.

Hogwarts however, was in complete disarray. The castle was shifting more than ever and people were scared to go near the sets of stair for fear that they might be thrown over the side.

The portraits were being thrown all over, the people inside shrieking in fear. Students were fending off small creatures from the forbidden forest and teachers doing their best to get kids into the only safe area; common rooms. Just before someone could genuinely get hurt, the castle resumed it's normal state.

Creatures fled back to the forest, stairs became stable and stopped moving sporadically, portraits resuming their proper places.

And only two minds could peice together what happened.

Minerva and Severus glanced at one another. 'Giyuu.'

The song sung by Tsutako Tomioka is actually a song I wrote for all my children a little while ago. I hope you all have an amazing rest of your year and beyond.

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