School Shopping

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School shopping was hectic. Giyuu was greeted by parents and students alike as he led his two boys through diagon alley.

Dudley would be starting as a first year because they'd discovered he had magic, it was just a little weak and they spent weeks honing it so he could do spells.

Their final stop made Giyuu groan. The new teacher was there signing books that Giyuu knew were most likely filled with nothing but lies. He avoided all the books on the list, instead getting ones he would use to tutor them on their own.

He growled when Lockheart had grabbed his ward by the scruff of his neck, grabbing the man by the wrist harshly.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with my ward?" He asked, a fire in his eyes.

Lockheart paled and let go, rubbing his wrist. "How rude! I was merely getting a picture for the daily prophet with Harry here-"

"Did he give you permission to use his first name? No. And he did not consent to having you put your hands on him or trying to force him to plaster his face on the front page! Have you any idea the repercussions? Maybe we should let Harry sue you for assualt. Grabbing a minor? You imbicile!" Giyuu went off on the man for another five minutes before pulling back and hastily paying for the books.

He grumbled as they left the shop, cursing the idiotic blonde. Dudley giggled as they walked away.

"That was so cool! You really went off on him!" Harry laughed. Giyuu smiled before he paused.

He glanced back and saw the Weasleys at the front of the store, about to cry because they couldn't even afford old run down books.

The look on the twin's faces made him turn back. "You two head into the pet shop I'll meet you there. Alright?"

They nodded. He turned and walked over, catching the eyes of his students. The twins lit up and ran over, hugging their teacher.


"We missed-"

"You!" Giyuu laughed at the twin speak before seeing a new face. A small timid looking girl who was clearly a Weasley as well.

He glanced them over before tutting, dragging the family back inside. He noticed that the crowd seemed to back away from him as he grabbed around twenty books for each kid.

The Weasleys staree in shock as he paid and had the books put into an endless pouch. He handed each kid one pouch with a soft smile.

"Take care of those books and read them well." He paused in front of Ron. He handed him his own books gently. "Now you better look out for your sister."

He smiled before the bag was thrown to the side and he ducked under a book. He jumped back as the family gasped, staring at the youngest son in horror.

"RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?! YOUR PROFESSOR JUST BOIGHT YOU AN ENTIRE SET OF BOOKS! WR CAN'T AFFORD THING THIS NICE SO YOU BETTER BE THANKFUL!" Molly screamed at her son who pouted. Molly quickly bowed to Giyuu as he picked up the books, handing them to her instead.

"I am so sorry for my son. I don't know where all his bloody manners went." Giyuu just sighed.

"It's alright Ma'am." He spotted the little girl staring at him with wide eyes. He crouched down a bit. "What's your name?" He asked gently.

"G-Ginny!" She squeaked.

Before he could respond, a body bumped into Giyuu and he had to catch himself.

A quiet apology was murmured. He looked up and met the eyes of a curious Lucius Malfoy. The man eyes the bags filled with brand new books in astonishment.

He held out his hand and Giyuu took it, getting pulled back onto his feet.

Him and Lucius shook hands before Draco came over, stoking a small cat.

"Hello Professor." Lucius smirked.

"Draco this man is your Professor? Which one?" He inquired.

"The swordsmanship Professor father. The new one that started late last year." Draco informed.

Lucius grinned widely, ignoring the retreating Weasley family. He'd already planted the book, no need to cause a scene. That little bump was no accident.

"How nice to finally meet you, Professor?"

"Tomioka. Or Giyuu if you prefer first names." He glanced at the clock.

"I hate to say it but I must be going. I have two people waiting on me." Lucius nodded and Giyuu started the small walk to the pet shop.

He saw Dudley peering into a glass case, looking at pictures of previous cats.

Giyuu laughed lightly and Dudley looked up. "Can we get a little black cat with a little white spot?"

He asked quickly, bouncing a bit. Giyuu nodded and walked to the cat and kneazle section. He let Dudley choose a little black cat with a single white stripe down the back.

He collected the kitten and held onto it as he searched for Harry in the store. He was in the owl section grabbing food and toys for Hedwif. Harry helped him with all of it and paid the full price without batting an eye.

Him and the boys chose to floo home and put their new things away. He started on dinner before the house elves could stop him and made something healthy yet tasty for the night.

He called the boys down and they talked, occasionally hearing something from the portrait above the table. Lily was laughing at a few jokes and Giyuu was chuckling.

What a beautiful little family he'd made for himself.

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