How Hard She Works

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The meeting went fast. An uppermoon had been spotted but after slayers had checked out the area, they were disappointed to find the trail had gone cold. they all reported on their domains, all but Giyuu who'd been out of his territory for a few months to teach at Hogwarts. 

When it came time for Giyuu's report, the master spoke. "I know the mission I gave you has kept you out of Japan for a few months now, Giyuu. Please tell me how the mission is currently going." 

The others blinked in shock, Giyuu hadn't even been in he country? "Very well so far. Many of them have picked up skills fast. A few complain nonstop and show no signs of improvement. One in particular I can hardly stand, all he does is complain, break things and insult other students to the point they want to leave. Another student, Miss Granger, is the exact opposite. She's picking up skill the fastest and she's the most trustworthy of them all. She's incredibly smart and can make split second decisions very well."

Giyuu reported. Uzui perked up. "You're teaching kids?" Giyuu couldn't help it when his lips twitched up. 

"Yeah. In Scotland." They all choked. Uzui held a knowing gleam in his eye. 

"I'm guessing you work with Snape?" He asked, amused. Even the master looked at him as if he were crazy.

"How did you-?" Uzui laughed. 

"Let's just say we knew each other in school." The master stared at him with a calculative look in his eye. The demon activity had gone down to near nonexistent recently.

"Would you be willing to help Giyuu then? I'm sure with all those kids he needs a bit of help." The master asked, earning a positive response from the sound hashira. Giyuu let a small smile out, shocking the others.

Uzui stood as the meeting ended, grabbing Giyuu. "Well then! We have to drop by my estate to get my wives and my things. Then we can go."

Giyuu smiled softly. "Alright then. But we have until Halloween to get back to Scotland." Uzui paused. 

"We can go early and just not hold classes until Halloween." He suggested. "Plus you see to adore the kids already. You're smiling." Giyuu glanced to the side as they ran, cheeks turning pink.

They stopped at the estate and Uzui led him inside for the first time. On the wall hung a picture frame of Uzui and his wives when they were younger. They were all wearing Hogwarts robes. Hinatsuru was a Ravenclaw, Suma a Hufflepuff, Uzui and Makio both Gryffindor. His eyes glittered as in the background, he saw a younger Severus in his Slytherin Uniform.

All the wives were excited, ready to head back to their second home and see and old friend. Giyuu pouted when he realized he was the only one without actual magic or a wand. Uzui chuckled at his expression. "Me and the girls will teach you some magic."

Giyuu looked up happily. He'd never actually disclosed to anyone at the school that he didn't know magic; They'd just assumed he did. He was happy to know he would finally learn how to do the thing he was so entranced by. He spotted a small bowl above the fire place and chuckled. Of course they had a floo system. 

They all grabbed their things and Giyuu stepped up first. "Tomioka Living Quarters, Hogwarts!" He spoke clearly. He stepped into his room, moving to the side as the other four came in. The looked around, impressed. It was a dark themed room, but it held a sort of dramatic flare. A picture of Giyuu and the master sat on the nightstand, their group Hashira photo next to it in black and white. 

Uzui whistled. "It looks nice in here." 

Giyuu smiled. "I didn't decorate much. It's already perfect anyways."

Suma nodded, eyes scanning over the room. She liked the aesthetic. Giyuu let them all choose a room, Not being surprised when they chose to share a room.

They had a house elf bring dinner down as they saylt and talked. They asked all about the students, seeming surprised to find Slytherins and Gryffindors getting along finally.

They laughed the entire night before retiring to bed. Giyuu was up first the next morning, get a few lesson plans together as he waited for Uzui and his wives.

They came out dressed in typical wizarding robes and told him they were going to go see their old teachers. He just nodded and focused on planning out the next few weeks.

Giyuu set down the pen and rubbed his eyes. He had to get out of the room. He grabbed his cloak and clipped it around his shoulders.

He left his room and made his way to his class room's extension. He paused, seeing a student already in the gym area.

A grin stretched across his lips as he watched Hermione try to deadlift at least two hundred pounds. He walked as she managed to get it almost up to her chest before she had to put it down.

He clapped gently, catching her attention. She looked at him while panting. "Professor? I thought you went to Japan."

He sighed. "We had a false alarm. Nevermind that though. You've gotten stronger. Try deadlifting one hundred and fifty pounds." He instructed.

She nodded and switched out the weights. He grabbed his own weights, around two hundred fifty pounds, and worked her through what she should do. After weights, she asked him to show her how to hold the sword when swinging it.

He smiled at her eagerness. He paused and grabbed the metal blade. He tossed the blade in a scabbard to her, watching her face light up.

He directed her moves, instructing her to go as long as she could. He watched as she swung the sword, seeing more potential in her than he'd seen in anyone in years.

He didn't say anything as she finally dropped, only moving to pick her up. She was clearly exhausted, dead asleep. He moved her to the couch in his office, placing a blanket over her body and turning the light off.

He glanced back. "Good job little one." He mumbled.

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