Hard Work

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Hermione's eyes slowly opened as she sat up, yawning. She looked around in confusion before remembering how she'd blacked out after training. She looked at the office before smiling.

She slid the blanket off her lap and slipped her shoes back on, leaving the class quickly. She made it to breakfast a little later than normal, taking her seat between Draco and Harry. They glanced at her.

"Are you alright Hermione? You look tired."

"Yeah where were you?" Harry threw in.

She yawned a bit. "I was up all night training. Professor Tomioka came back early, something about a false alarm. I asked for help."

They nodded and Draco gave her an annoyed look. "You should take better care of yourself. Stop overworking yourself." He scolded. She gave him a sheepish look.

"Sorry! I just wanted to get stronger." Draco sighed.

"Just don't push yourself to far." She nodded, seeing the teacher enter the hall with a group. There was a really tall man along with the gorgeous women.

When the hall fell silent, they were introduced as more teachers that might help out in Professor Tomioka's class. She grinned, looking excited.

After breakfast, as it was now a Saturday, she made her way to the classroom, forgetting her friends words to stop pushing herself.

She grabbed the same sword from yesterday, now seeing her name had been engraved on the side. She ran to the open training area and began to practice. The door opened somewhere behind her but she kept on swinging.

She was attempting to focus her breathing as she saw her teacher do the night before. She was startled when her blade hit another.

She looked up to meet the eyes of the new teacher, Uzui Tengen. She gulped and lowered her sword. "Sorry Professor! I didn't mean to-"

"Charge me." He ordered. She blinked.


"I said charge me. You've been flamboyantly training. But you'll need to spar every once in a while." He ordered again, holding a wooden katana.

She nodded hesitantly, but knew that if he used the metal sword, she'd be screwed.

Half an hour later, she dropped to the floor, clutching her now bruised side while groaning. Uzui stared at her before grinning and picking her up.

"You did much better than my old students! How Flamboyant!" He yelled and he ran her to the nurse.

He sat through being scolded by Madame Pomfery. He laughed sheepishly as she healed the student's ribcage.

She glared at him as she finished with Hermione. "You need to tone it down! Professor Tomioka doesn't take it this far ever!"

He lowered his head. "Sorry." He mumbled.

Hermione grinned as her ribs cracked back into place. "It's alright Madame Pomfery! The training was just what I needed!"

The woman just threw her hands up. "Out with the both of you!"

They scampered out of the area and split up. Uzui went back to their living quarters and Hermione back to the class. She was starting to be obsessed with perfecting her sword style.

She focused her breathing again, ignoring the sharp stabs of pain in her gut and began to workout.

A few people had come in soon later for the homework and spotted her, encouraging them. Oliver wood had all but dragged everyone from the quidditch team into the area, ranting about winning this weekend's match.

At this point Hermione was using a bar to hand and do sit ups. Ovlier glanced over and paused.

"Granger!" He yelled, running over. She glanced at him and kept going, motioning for him to talk. "Would you be interested in quidditch? You've got the perfect build for a chaser and Angelina tripped down the stairs. You up for it?" Hermione felt her stomach flip.

She hated brooms. She was sure Oliver had seen the fear in her eyes as he offered her Angelina's broom. "Don't worry. It's much more stable than those old sticks the school uses."

She hesitantly gripped the handle and everyone rose into the air, fear subsiding in Hermione's heart. This wasn't as bad as she thought.

They all began to play quidditch, Hermione showing that she was actually very fit and very much able to keep the quaffle out of the opposing team's hands.

The team cheered as she scored again, actually bypassing Oliver's defences at the post. He looked at her and nodded.

"Mcgonagall said we could use ANYONE as a replacement. Welcome to the team Granger."

Hermione grinned as she caught a broom she could use. This one was Angelina's broom and she'd need it back once she got better.

They all stopped with quidditch to get some more physical training. Hermione ended up coaching them on how they should be deadlifting and such. She knew the twins didn't take Professor Tomioka's class as seriously as they could be when they could only deadlift a hundred pounds with struggle.

She decided to show off, putting a hundred seventy-five onto her own bell bar and catching their attention, lifting in with little struggle. Harry laugh as he lifted his own seventy-five pound weights.

"You're strong, Hermione!" She snorted.

"Nah you're just weak!" She teased. She dropped the bar and picked it back up again, this time managing to get it above her head.

She set it down just as the door opened and the three new female Professors walked in. They studied them harshly before one smirked.

"Keep it up kids."

Miss Makio, the one with two identical strands of blonde hair, called out as she walked over, grabbing Hermione's bar and lifting with relative ease.

They eyed her in shock and awe. Makio set the bar down and looked up.

"Classes will be restarting early. Monday you'll all be allowed to touch the swords for the first time. When you are deemed ready, one of the metal swords will be engraved with your name. It will belong to you. I understand that you, Miss Granger, have already been trusted with you own sword. You may take it to your common rooms but if trouble is caused with it, it was be confiscated."

"I understand Ma'am."

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