Mugen Train

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Hermione stared at her sword in awe. She watched the metallic color fade from cobalt blue into a royal blue at the tip.

Just like their Sensei's. She sheathed it and slipped it under her covers, grabbing a book at the same time.

It was a book about learning Japanese. She'd been learning a bit of it to please her teacher.

She flipped open a page at the same time Giyuu Tomioka received a letter. He read it before rushing to the floo, shouting that he would be back in a day or two.

He stepped through and found himself now in a train station, Rengoku standing around a hundred yards away.

He quickly used some of the magic Uzui taught him to change into his uniform and made his way to the man, dragging him onto the train. Rengoku grinned and flipped himself so he was walking on his own, speaking up.

"Tomioka my friend! How have you been?" He asked. Giyuu smiled softly.

"I've been well Rengoku-san," Giyuu started. "How have you and Senjuro been?" He asked.

Rengoku smiled. "I've been very well recently my friend! And Senjuro has been focusing on his training so he's a little busy."

Giyuu nodded before Rengoku spoke again. "How have your students been doing? And how many do you have right now?" He asked curiously.

Giyuu grinned. "One of them joined a school team recently and the rest I have a feeling I'll be giving real katanas to soon." He paused in thought. "With all the classes added together, I teach maybe three hundred to five hundred students everyday."

Rengoku choked on his bento box. "H-holy shit man. That's a lot of kids to teach! Do you need help?" He asked, concerned that his friend was overworking himself. Giyuu waved him off.

"If you ever decide to randomly retire sure. But right now I have Uzui and his wives helping me." Rengoku slowly nodded. He still thought he might need help but he trusted him. Plus why would he randomly retire? Not like he'd be getting any serious injuries anytime soon.

He paused and his brows knit together. Did he just jinx himself? He glanced around the train. Yes. Yes he did. Anime tears streamed down his face, making Giyuu panic. "Rengoku-san are you alright?" He asked in concern.

Rengoku just nodded and ordered more food, now shouting umai every time he took a bite. Many passengers looked annoyed but Giyuu just chuckled and took a small bite of his own bento. Soon enough, Tanjiro and his friend group joined them in the train, Nezuko immediately hopping out of her box to hug Giyuu.

Rengoku eyed her wearily but seeing Giyuu laugh made him pause. He decided to at least give her a chance. Nezuko scooted over and hugged him as well, grabbing his hand and putting it on top of her head. He took the hint and smiled, rubbing her head gently. She shrank down until she was the size of a small child. she snuggled into him, all of them falling silent as they watched the adorable scene. Inosuke pouted and scooted next to Tanjiro, plopping his head in his lap and startling him.

Tanjiro smiled and patted his head, asking Rengoku about the Hinokami Kagura. When Rengoku didn't know anything he sighed in disappointment. They all passed their tickets to the train conductor mindlessly and Nezuko crawled back into her box.

Giyuu yawned and his head fell onto Rengoku's shoulder, dead asleep. Rengoku's eyes drifted shut as the entire train went into a dead sleep.

Giyuu had curled into the warmth the flame like man. A content sigh leaving him at how warm he felt. Enmu stared down at them with a small, euphoric smile.

"Two hashira?~ Oh my master will be so pleased with me! I'll get more blood!~" Enmu cheered while rubbing his hands together.

Something told him not to touch them yet. That they would be dangerous if they would awaken. Tha air around the one with the split haori was filled with a sense of magic; as if he'd seen things no one ever could.

He shivered and backed away, heading to the front of the train as his minions tied them up. He merged with it slowly, incorporating his flesh into the thick metal.

Giyuu didn't dream. Something was trying to tug on his memories but he remained floating in an endless abyss. He looked around, confused.

The tapping of footsteps drew his attention. A woman in a medieval gown was staring at him, her black hair pulled into a low bun with two strands framing her face. Two brilliant blue eyes looked at him and he felt gravity tug on him as he was set on the floor.

The woman crouched down to meet his eye. "Hello there young one. You've come a long way to get here." She spoke softly, gripping his arm and helping him up.

He looked at her. "Who are you?" He asked softly.

She smiled widely. "Rowena Ravenclaw at your service." She giggled when his eyes widened.

"I've been waiting for you." She started, pulling a book out of thin air.

He watched her walk around the dark area for a moment before speaking. "Why did you wait for me?"

She paused. "You are my heir." He froze. "Therefore you should have my magic capability."

He stood straighter. "I'll be gifting you my knowledge about magics and more. Salazar will meet you next to give you a gift when he agrees that you are worthy of it. The others will be following soon after."

He opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off. "I'm terribly sorry it seems our time has come to an end. Please use this knowledge wisely."

Giyuu's eyes snapped open and he sliced a flesh tendril away from his body. A dead calm washed over him as he analyzed the situation. The feeling of something wood slid into his hand as he brandished a wand dangerously.

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