Arrest of a Peacock

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As Giyuu and Lockheart argued, Harry sat next to the snake, unseen by almost all. Him and the snake gently hissed to one another, only interrupted by a quiet gasp. Harry looked up to see Draco, who immediately put a finger to his lips and waved him up.

"We're going to talk to Professor Tomioka later. I have questions." Draco whispered.

Harry nodded. The snake was draped across his shoulders now as he fed it little bits of meat from lunch. A few students stared like he had two heads when they spotted him. Snape took notice quickly and ran over, gently removing the snake.

He took the snake out to the forest alongside Giyuu, who had stopped arguing. They gently released it before sharing looks and storming into Giyuu's living quarters, headed for the only open floo in the castle.

"Ministry!" They called out, stepping into the area with scowls on their faces. Ministry workers moved to the side as the angered men stormed up to Amelia Bone's office and knocked.

"Come in." Giyuu pushed the door open and stepped inside, Snape right behind him. The door slammed shut, leaving the three to talk.

Amelia looked at them in concern. "Professor? What are you two doing here?" She asked.

"We want Lockheart removed immediately for child endangerment and grabbing a minor who was clearly struggling." Giyuu spoke coldly.

Her eyes widened, looking at Severus for confirmation. He nodded darkly. "He also has been acting very suspicious around certain girls. I'm very worried about what he is thinking."

Her face drained of all color and she quickly pressed a button on the side of her desk, footsteps quickly approaching the door and coming in without knocking.

Mad eyed Moody stared at them cautiously as Kingsley stared at Amelia in concern. "You pressed the emergency button."

"We have a very bad situation. Gilderoy Lockheart is to be taken into custody for child endangerment, assault of a minor and pedophilia."

Moody's eyes left the two men at last, a look of horror on his face. "What? There's someone like that around the children?!" He yelled, gripping his wand. Giyuu nodded.

"I'll let you both into Hogwarts. Maybe even help knock the imbicile out." He paused. "If he 'struggles'." He added.

They nodded and quickly set off, Giyuu opening the floo to his living quarters. They didn't stay long, moving to the great hall as dinner was going on.

The door was kicked in, scaring a few kids who frowned at the sight of their professors leading two aurors behind them to the front table. Most stopped eating as the two raised their wands.

"Gilderoy Lockheart, you are nearby under arrest for assault, child endangerment and pedophilia." Kingsley snarled.

The mood turned tense as whispers broke out. Dumbledore stood. "Now now surely this is just a misunderstanding."

"Maybe. But as these are very serious crimes, we will have to put this man under trial." Moody snapped.

Dumbledore sighed but nodded. Lockheart made a move but found himself being hit with a body bind hex. Giyuu had a small smirk on his face. "I've wanted to do that for a while."

Moody snorted as he placed restrictions on Lockheart. They levitated out of there as the entire hall watched. Harry was nodding in approval alongside Hermione, who never really liked the man. He was too sketchy.

Lockheart was thrown into a cell to await his trial as Giyuu sighed and went back to his classroom. He raised an eyebrow at seeing Draco and Hatry huddled in there, waiting on him.

They looked up and ran over, Draco hugging his side. Giyuu smiled and patted his head gently before he pulled back.

"Professor Harry is a parseltongue!" Draco said immediately. He sucked in a breath. Harry looked worried.

"I didn't know what it meant until Draco told me after you took the peacock away." He admitted.

Giyuu nodded. "Who all knows?"

"Only me, Harry, you and Hermione." Draco responded. Giyuu sighed in relief. The look in Harry's eyes made him sigh softly.

He gently hissed, making them freeze. "Relax Harry. This is a gift." He spoke in parseltongue.

Draco gaped at him and Harry grinned widely. "You're a parseltongue too?" He asked. Giyuu nodded.

"Come by my class whenever and I'll start helping you learn how to control it and understand when it is not english being spoken." He offered gently.

Harry slowly nodded as Giyuu guided them out the doors. "Now go before you are late to class." He smiled at them as they ran down the hall quickly.

He sighed as he sat in his chair, looking at the ceiling. He wanted to go see Uzui but he had a class in five minutes. He shrugged. Free day then.

Hermione was, as always, the first one there. She spotted the board and saw how exhausted her teacher seemed. She didn't complain, only sat at her desk quietly and began to sketch.

Students trickled in, one by one and sat down quietly, respecting their teacher's quiet time. A few ended up doing homework the entire class, a few fell asleep and one even went out to the training field. Many perked up at the sound of blades clashing.

Everyone went out to the field, seeing a new training dummy. But it was moving. Hermione was relentless as she ducked under one of the ten blades the dummy held, making a quick slash across the torso before jumping back, panting heavily.

Giyuu grinned. She was definitely made to be a demon slayer. Less than a year of training and she could already damage the best dummy they had.

He jumped from the tree branch he'd settled on when they had all come outside. He landed next to her and passed her a water bottle.

"Change of plans. I want you to try and land a hit on me." He spoked, drawing his wooden blade.

She gulped but nodded. She took another breath, starting the total concentration breathing she had been practicing for weeks on end.

Giyuu's eyebrows shot up. This was going to be interesting.

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