New Teacher

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Giyuu stared at his master in shock. He'd been called into headquarters for a solo mission. He was the only one who could do it as he was the only one who spoke english.

But this? A world of witches and wizards? Vampires? Dragons? He thought he was loosing his damn mind. And his master wanted him to teach a new generation of witches and wizards the way of water breathing.

"Master surely there is someone better for this job-" He tried.

"Giyuu. I know how you feel about this. But you're the only hashira who can speak English and I need you to do this. Many of these kids have already sworn to join our ranks."

Giyuu's eyes widened. "What?"

The master sighed. "They're a few weeks into classes already. But all the graduates this year will be sworn into our ranks and as will everyone else when you deem them ready."

Giyuu looked down. Could he really do this?

The master's hand fell onto his head and Giyuu's eyed met his. "You can do this Giyuu. I trust you. Will you take the mission?" He asked.

Giyuu's resolve hardened. "I will."


"A new teacher? What ever are you talking about Albus? We're already weeks in!" Minerva sighed.

Albus smiled at the teachers. "It took me a few months to convince an old friend of mine to lend me one of his most trusted workers. He will be teaching the kids how to use a katana as well as an ancient technique their people use."


Dumbledore sighed heavily. "No I have not. But kids have began to hear what truly happens in Japan and they want to help. Many threatened to simply go to Japan without the training and fight against what danger lurk there. If they do that, they will die terribly brutal deaths."

He explained. Minerva gestured for him to continue as everyone else sat in pure silence. Dumbledore explained demons and demon slayers, leaving the room with a deep sense of dread.

"Headmaster..... how long has this new teacher been a demon slayer?" Severus asked slowly, afraid of the response. Dumbledore looked down.

"He's currently 21. He took Final Selection, or the final test to become a demon slayer, at twelve." They froze.

He was so young. Why would he risk his life like that at his age? Minerva inhaled slowly before nodding.

"Fine. I shall accept the teacher alongside us. But please do tell us his name?"

Albus smiled, eyes twinkling. "Tomioka Giyuu."

Giyuu stared up at the castle in shock. A fucking castle. Was a school. He rubbed his eyes as Minerva chuckled from beside him.

"Quite the sight isn't it?" He nodded, entranced. Minvera nudged him. "We best be getting you to your classroom and office now."

He snapped out of his trance and followed behind her, noting the lack of students in the halls. His brow furrowed a bit. She glanced back.

"All the students were told to stay in dorms for the day because we teachers had things to do. You'll be introduced at dinner tonight."

He nodded, feeling nervous. She sent him a reassuring smile. The man had the soul of a lost child, someone to protect. But the callouses she felt on his hands when they had shook earlier said otherwise. As did the near dead look in his eyes.

She didn't ask, just led the way to his new office. It was one that hadn't been touched in a century besides the day before when she went to clean it.

They stepped inside the neat little room and Giyuu set his bag down for a moment. The heavy robes he had to wear were annoying. She gave him a sympathetic look.

"You'll only have to wear those on special occasions from now on. Just keep them on until after dinner then you may resume wearing your old uniform."

He sent her a thankful look. She let him check the room out before handing him the key to the door. Then they started walking to his living quarters.

He admired the area. It was massive. A door led to the bedroom and there was a massive lounge area with large black couches and a fireplace. A small kitchen was off to the side.

He let a tiny smile slip. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. He put all his stuff into the bedroom, joining Minerva on the walk to dinner.

He could hear students chattering and took a deep breath, opening the door and taking his seat at the long table. Many stared at him in confusion and a few looked intrigued.

Dumbledore stood up and tapped on his glass. "Students may I have your attention?" He bellowed loudly.

Giyuu gulped.

"May I introduce our new swordsmanship teacher, Professor Tomioka." He gestured to him, Giyuu gracefully rising from his seat before giving a small bow and reclaiming his seat.

"He will be teaching all of you how to wield katanas. His class is not an elective, it is a mandatory class."

A few groaned but most looked excited, clapping heavily. Dumbledore sat down and platters of food appeared everywhere. Giyuu was happy to see many japanese style dishes around him, taking some salmon daikon onto his plate with a happy hum.

The teachers asked all about the foods and he patiently explained each thing, seeing how Pamona, the herbology Professor and head of Hufflepuff, loved Sakura mochi almost as much as Mitsuri.

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