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Giyuu was all but flying down the cars, cutting at flesh with ease and heading to the front of the train. No one else was awake yet but at this point he didn't care.

They were protected by Nezuko for now. And based on the way the train seemed to heat up, he guessed they'd started awakening.

His wand was shooting rapid spells he couldn't even process, burning flesh and making it expand in a painful way. He slashed at one last chunk, seeing the neck bone already.

The blood demon art didn't affect him now; it was as if he was no longer able to be attacked mentally.

'Occlumency.' Rowena's voice seemed to echo. 'The art of protecting one's mind and memories.'

He hummed as he cut through the bone, sending the train tipping to the side. He grunted and cast a shield charm to blunt his fall. He rolled out of the train, spotting the others looking confused about a few meters away.

He ran over and checked them over, finding no deep wounds or lasting physical damage. They all yelped as he all but appeared out of no where, looking around for the demon.

"I already killed the lowermoon." He informed. They seemed to sag in relief. He had them all settle down as Rengoku grinned widely.

"There were no casualties! There are a few injured because the train tipped but everyone is safe-"

He narrowly managed to block a fist that had been racing at Tanjiro. He was pushed back as Giyuu charged at the demon.

Giyuu and Rengoku met the gaze of Uppermoon three. Giyuu pushed back on his blade and it sank into the flesh of the uppermoon.

The man jumped back, body movements perfectly fluid. He landed ten meter to the left of them and placed his fist on the floor, legs crouched.

No words were spoken. Giyuu glared a bit but he wasn't scared. Rengoku was trembling slightly.

'I just had to jinx it didn't I?' He groaned mentally. He raised his blade as the uppermoon attempted to charge again, this time calling out.

"What's your name? Hashira?" Giyuu scoffed.

"Tomioka Giyuu."

"Rengoku Kyojuro."

They answered, a bit miffed. The man nodded. "I am Akaza, upper rank three."

He glanced them up and down. "You should become demons."

Giyuu raised an eyebrow as Rengoku loudly denied. "I hardly believe your master would lat Hashira into his ranks." He rolled his eyes at the uppermoon.

Akaza smirked. "Why not? We can fight for eternity~" He tried. Giyuu gave him a look and he sighed.

They began to fight, both sides landing some substantial damage. Giyuu ahd hardly been touched as he threw in a few shield charms for the both of them. But Rengoku was reckless, leaving open little blind spots and getting hit.

Giyuu grunted as another shield was shatter by the sheer force of Akaza's attacks. He was excited, this was one of the best fights he'd ever had before.

He blocked another attack and sliced an arm off with ease. He began to think of the offer the demon had given them. Maybe. Just maybe.

He couldn't help but laughed in pure joy as they kept fighting. The uppermoon seemed to meet his excitement. He struck Rengoku hard, sending him flying into a tree and knocking him out.

Giyuu pouted. "Oi! I thought you wanted to fight to the death?" He hollered.

Akaza grunted. "He was getting in the way like an annoying fly. But you.....  despite being human, you've breached supreme territory!" Akaza landed a solid hit on his abdomen, making him spit a bit of blood.

His shield charm had shattered on impact, leaving him defenceless. He took the chance and raised his wand, no longer caring that the younger years could see the magic.

"BOMBARDA MAXIMA!" He yelled, sending a giant explosion to tear through the uppermoon's head. He noticed the rising sun and mumbled a quick transfiguration spell, making a nearby pebble turn into a barrier to protect them from the sun. The uppermoon had already regenerated and was now staring at him with a mix of awe and excitement.

"You just...." He stopped, eyes going hard.

"We will fight again soon." Akaza grumbled, seeing the sun. Giyuu didn't stop him, just let him flee before dropping to his knees as a wave of pain came from where he'd taken the hit.

Definitely a few bruised ribs and maybe a fractured wrist. He gasped and gripped his side, feeling a hand fall on his shoulder.

He turned and met the gaze of a terrified Rengoku, who was now sporting a missing eye and some deep wounds. He wheezed as he tried to slow his breathing.

"What the fuck was that Tomioka? How the FUCK did you blast his head off? Or create that wall? Why did you let him go? Why were you laugh-" Giyuu whacked him on the head and he shut up.

"I'll tell you later. For now don't tell anyone but Uzui or the master." He snapped.

Rengoku sighed but nodded. "You owe me an explanation, Giyuu."

Giyuu grumbled as black spots invaded his vision. His body slumped to the side as his injuries finally forced him to black out.

His mind wandered to the uppermoon while he slept. He was.... familiar. He knew he'd seen him briefly as a young child but his memory was hazy, as if a thick fog was covering that one specific memory.

He didn't stir and he had a gut feeling he wouldn't be in class on Monday. He mentally apologized to the school, not knowing his message was heard in the mind of every student and teacher.

Dumbledore's eyes fluttered as Uzui rushed to the floo. 'Legilimency.'

Hermione, who had been training, dropped her sword and rushed out of the room, meeting her rushing teacher in the hall.

He let her follow him though the floo, knowing she could help him calm dawn if he woke up.

No. When he wakes up.

Hogwart's sword instructorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon