PART - 12

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Abhyansh called his men asking them to bring Madan to his den at night, whom they captured in the afternoon...

After dinner... Abhyansh was about to leave Ranveer's chamber when his words halted his steps...

"Ishu... Sleep in my chamber, I'll get an extra bed arranged here, I might need you at night, you know, I am completely dependent on you", Ranveer said as he doesn't want his sister to sleep on that hard cot if she sleeps in her chamber or on the floor if she sleeps in her husband's chamber...

"She will sleep with her husband, Rajput", Abhyansh declared walking away before Isha could say a thing... Abhyansh knew what Ranveer is trying to do, but he wouldn't let him succeed. Isha Abhyansh Singh Ranawat is born to suffer and he would make sure she does... Thought Abhyansh...

"Arrogant Beast... ", Ranveer muttered angrily

"Bhai... don't worry, I won't go into a deep sleep, you can call me on my phone whenever you need me, okay  ??", Isha said

"No, no, you sleep properly, the whole day you were working, you need proper rest, I don't need anything", Ranveer said

"But just now you said you will need me... ", she asked innocently... And Ranveer mentally sighed at his sister's innocence and kindness...

"No ishu, I won't need anything bacha, you sleep properly please", Ranveer said and Isha nodded, she had her dinner and after giving her brother the medicines, she walked away asking the Junior doctor to be alert, since she is taking care of Ranveer the whole day, she requested the doctor and nurse to be alert during night time and they are more than happy to do that as they don't have to encounter the BEAST during the night if only they knew what they are going to see tonight...

Isha entered the guest chamber, and she saw her husband working... She quickly made her bed on the floor and walked to Abhyansh to ask him if he needs anything...

"Maharaj, do you need anything  ??", she asked lowering his head...

"Yes come here", he said in his usual cold tone and she is surprised, he never calls her to him... She is afraid but walked to him nonetheless... "Sit here", he said showing the seat beside him with his hand and her eyes widened...

He is asking her to sit beside him for the first time, what has happened to him ?? thought she, She sat, shivering from fear...

He held her neck and pulled her closer to his face, she closed her eyes in fear and tears slipped from her eyes remembering how he called her sl*t...

He kept roaming his hands on her exposed shoulders touching her gently with his rough hands, she didn't feel disgusted like she felt when Madan touched her, but there is fear now, she wanted to jerk his hands but is afraid of the BEAST so she stayed silent, he went closer to her face, and for a second he wanted to keep staring at her innocent face, but the very next second warning bells started ringing and he jerked her away...

"From now on, you won't feel that b**t**d's hands", Abhyansh said, Isha's eyes got wide like saucers, but she didn't dare to look at her husband's face...

"H... How did you know Maharaj  ??", she asked but he didn't answer her...

She assumed he captured Madan after the morning incident and might have known from there...

"Will you kill him  ??", Isha asked again looking down...

"No", Abhyansh said and Isha sighed as no one will lose their life because of her but if only she knew, Madan Or anyone else for that matter would always prefer death than encounter Beast's BEASTY form...

"Maharaj, Please don't tell my brother, he will be worried and angry", she said and for a second Abhyansh is surprised at her innocence, did she really think her brother doesn't know about this  ?? While he is the one who told him about it...

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