PART - 6

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Note - I, in no way support any kind of slavery, or any kind of abuse or torture. This is just fictional and kindly don't read if it triggers you. 


Isha returned from her office on time, freshened up, and changed into her traditional wear which is expected of a king's wife, and went down...

She met with her mother-in-law and hugged her...

"Ma... What did you do the whole day ?? Did you miss me ??", Isha asked her mother-in-law after settling beside her, Amruta smiled at her daughter...

"You know the answer yet you ask this every day", Amruta said patting her daughter-in-law's cheek...

"Ma... bolo na(Ma, please say)", Isha whined...

"Yes, I missed my daughter-in-law a lot like every other day, but I know she didn't miss me like every day, she must have enjoyed herself with her friends, huh Reetu and Ragini", Amruta said pouting, Isha giggled at her mother-in-law's drama...

"Um... actually yes, Reetu and I played a prank on Ragini today... Ragini is so mad at us but we pacified her at the end...", Isha said and Amruta smiled at her loving daughter-in-law...

"No shame at all while accepting you didn't miss me huh... Very bad Isha...", Amruta teased

"Hehe, I'm Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's wife, I am not afraid of saying the truth", Isha said dramatically but Amruta looked at her with hope...

"You really want to become Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's wife ??", Amruta asked and Isha's smile was wiped away by her mother-in-law's question...

"Ma... Let's talk about something else", Isha said as she knew her answer would disappoint Amruta and she didn't want to hurt her...

"Isha, please answer me...", Amruta asked and Isha sighed...

"Ma, he didn't want anything to do with me... I'm just a maid to him...", Isha said

"What if he wants to give this marriage a chance, will you ??", Amruta asked, She knew she is hoping for the impossible but she is a mother, she can't leave the hope of seeing her son settled and happy in his marriage, also now she felt that affection towards Isha as well, she wants her daughter to know the marital bliss...

"Ma... What has gotten into you today ??", Isha asked softly

"Answer me Isha", Amruta asked softly holding her cheeks...

"No ma, he didn't give me any reason to think of this marriage, the day he would give me, I will give everything to him and this marriage, but we both know that's impossible... One thing I can say, is I'm doing all my duties towards him sincerely because I'm his wife, I know he doesn't feel it that way but I accepted this marriage wholeheartedly, I would do all my duties religiously... like he didn't give me any reason to consider this marriage, he didn't give me any reason to break it as well, so I will stay his wife till he gives that one reason", Isha said and Amruta hugged her daughter-in-law seeing the positive approach of her, even after her son's cruel tortures... She prayed to god not to test her daughter-in-law's patience much... Only time will tell whether her prayers will be answered or not...

"Now leave all this, come let's prepare dinner...", Isha said dragging Amruta to the kitchen...

Isha cooked food while Amruta helped her by cutting the vegetables... After a while, they both with the help of servants arranged the table when they saw everyone making their way to the dining hall... Abhyansh made his way and after he settled on his seat, everyone followed and Isha started serving him... Everyone had their dinner, Abhyansh got up to walk away when they heard commotion...

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