PART - 9

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A few weeks passed by since Ranveer came to India, he visited the Ranawat palace daily and keeps pleading with his sister to talk, sometimes losing his cool and shouting at her, sometimes using emotional blackmail but she wouldn't say a word, at the end of the day, he ends up going to his brother-in-law's office and both start drinking... that became a routine for them...

Yes, he still hates Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, but likes his company though that man hardly talks a word, Ranveer tried to get to know what happened to Isha before marriage and what exactly was the discussion between her and his father, but none told him a thing...

"What the hell is wrong with her  ??", Ranveer muttered getting worried for his sister sipping whiskey rolling the paperweight on Abhyansh's table which grabbed the Beast's attention.

"I torture her so much that she lost herself in the pain Rajput", Abhyansh proudly admitted boiling Ranveer's blood...

"As much as I want to kill you right now, I can't, I don't have the power to do that, but I would like to educate you on one thing Mr. Ranawat, I know my sister, she is angry with me on something I did, there is something I am missing, she won't behave like this with me because you are torturing her, she won't show her anger on one on another, and to be honest, you don't matter to her that she would be even angry with you", Ranveer said meeting the Beast's eye...

"Why didn't I shoot you already  ??", Abhyansh asked

"You like me Mr. Ranawat, if you kill me, who will talk to you looking in your eye  ?? You will go crazy not having a single being to have a proper conversation with you then", Ranveer said and Abhyansh just smirked... He is in the mood to have a conversation with his brother-in-law today. Abhyansh is himself surprised about how easily he accepted Ranveer as his brother-in-law but not his sister as his wife.

Ranveer's phone rang displaying Vikram's name...

"Excuse me, I have to take this", Ranveer said and took the call, whereas Abhyansh enjoyed all the new gestures he is getting to witness, Ranveer didn't fear him, he treated him like a normal human, an individual not like a BEAST which he is... And that attracted Abhyansh a lot...

"Yes Vikram, I am in an important meeting, will call you back", Ranveer said taking the call... 

"Listen, Ran, investors want to have a meeting with you, when will you be back  ?? And by the way, how is Isha  ?? When are you bringing her here  ??", Vikram irritated, an already pissed Ranveer with questions...

"Do one thing, sell the company and then go to river Isis and drown yourself in the water till you die, and about me, I have many rivers in India", Ranveer answered pissed, Abhyansh looked surprised at the ever-calm Ranveer Rajput pissed... Well, he is not a calm man, but compared to the BEAST, even a raging bull is calm...

He had many interactions regarding business with Ranveer regarding the Rajput palaces Abhyansh wanted to buy but Ranveer didn't agree, Abhyansh wanted to acquire them forcefully but he liked the rivalry with Ranveer, so he kept things going at their pace for years...

"What happened to you  ?? Is Isha not happy in her married life  ??", Vikram questioned his friend

"Isha is possessed, I don't understand what has gotten into her and you are talking about her being happy in her marriage  ?? What did you expect me to say  ?? Yes, she is delighted Vikram, my brother-in-law takes very good care of her, treats her with respect, doesn't even let a mosquito bite her, and worships the land she walks on  ?? If you are expecting these kinds of answers then you are an imbecile, he tortures her, and above all that, Isha didn't speak a word to me, you know her Vik, she can't stay angry with me for long, in fact, she never gets angry with me, but now her behavior is so new to me, it's as if she gave up on me, it's like I don't recognize her anymore, there is this blank face every time she sees me as if she doesn't even know me", Ranveer shared his pain with his friend

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