The Young Years: Chapter 22

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September 29th, 2014
I find myself down stairs with my head resting on Kyle's lap and my legs over the edge of the couch. I look into his brown eyes and smile they r perfect he's perfect.
"What r u looking at" he says staring down at me
He smiles. We just look at each other noticing ever perfection about each other
"Isn't love great" he say
"I don't know"I reply
"What do you mean"
"Well it all depends on the person. love with u is magically but most bus it's torture. you spend your days reading stories about love then thinking what guy would do that for you. it's nonsense. love isn't that great"
He turn his face. I sit up and take my hand to turn his face to look at me.
"What wrong" I say
"Nothing it's just I don't get it"
"Get what"
"Why u don't believe in love"
I lay back in his lap. it's just the perfect spot to see in
"It's reality"
"But can't reality be great"
"Sure in some cases"
"Like what"
"Like this"
I sit up and place my hand on his check so warm he's warm.i lean in and he leans in. my lips touch his. he lips r so soft and I can feel his warm breaths against lips. he kiss for 3 minutes the stoping.
I lay again on his lap and just enjoy him with me now
October 11th, 2014
The next day Carter texts me "hey"
Surprisingly I text back "hi"
"So how r u and your friend"
"Like I would ever tell you"
"Sofia I know u like me"
"As if. Carter I'm sorry but I don't like you"
"Then why him"
"Cause I like him"
"Over me"
"Ya Any day"
"But he so...."
"So great"
"Carter I don't like talking to u so bye"
He read but didn't text back.
I could believe him he had not right to text me just to be like this. he was ridiculous
That same day I get a phone call.
"Hello is this Sofia"
"This is she I answer"
"R u friends with Kyle silva"
"Maybe who asking"
"This is the hospital sweetly your friend is here and has been constantly requesting to get in touch with u. I believe he would like you to come over"
she hangs up. oh no. what did happened to Kyle. a mix of emotions and thoughts race through my head. my final though comes to Carter. I leave my house to go to the hospital and what I see behind the door is the saddest  thing I ever seen.
It's Kyle. he has a black eye, a broken arm, and a cut across the side of his lip. I run to his bed.
"What happened" I cried
"Sofia I'm"he starts
"What happened Kyle" I cut him off
"It doesn't matter" he says shaking his head
"But it does.please tell me" I put my hand on his good check and he rest his head on it.
"Ok. I was on my way to the park for soccer and Carter was there waiting for me.he said something about stealing you from him and the next thing I know I unconscious"
"My poor Kyle" 
"Sofia I think u should be with carter"
"Who could u say that"
"I'm trying to think of your safety"
"That doesn't matter Kyle"
"Do you honestly believe that"
"I want to be here with you"
I put my hand into his broken hand.
"I know but I don't want you to get hurt"
Then the nurse walked in "its time to bring you into the operating room" she said not caring I was there.
"Sofia I.......
The nurse dragged him out of the room before he could say the last words. I walk to the closest counter.
"Excuse me but what is happening to the patient Kyle silva"
"R u Sofia"
"Yes I am"
"You r such a pretty girl he's one lucky boy"
I giggle softly
"Ok so Kyle has a broken and a dislocated bone it is a small operation where the doctors will place the bone he will live only 0.02 don't"
"Ok thank you"
I take a seat in the waiting room. 5 hours later and he still isn't back.its around 10:00 and I am really eyes life's fall heavy and I drift asleep.
I feel a shake on my shoulder. I wake
"No sweetie" it's the kind nurse "he is back thou if u would like to say hi"
"Thank you"
I didn't even care at this moment it was 3:49 in the morning.
I knock and slowly open the door. he hasn't changed but he smiles
"U ok"I say
"Ya" he replies
"I'm not leaving"
"I don't expect you too"
"Kyle please don't make me break up with you"
"Come here"
I go on the others side of the bed were he has no broken arm. I slide my legs on next to his and place my head in his neck. he kisses my forehead and I kiss his lips. he reaches under his pillow and pulls out a rainbow loom turtle.
He gives it to me
"Why r u giving me this"
"I was going to give it to u after soccer practice but"
"I love it"
"I love you Sofia" he said whispering into my ear
"I love you Kyle" I reply
My heart jumps I finally found a person who doesn't crush my spirt, who shows me who I am, who loves me for now and forever and not just for the day.

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