The Young Year: Chapter 2

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At this point I couldn't figure out his deal.
"you know what it doesn't even matter. You have a class to get to" said Carter rolling his eyes.
I picked up my book and walked out. I would have asked him more but he was right I had 5 period math to get to.
I then went home that day with sorrow in my eyes. As soon as I got home I called Kaya. Kaya was one of my friends that I trust most. It wasn't that I couldn't talk to Jillian. I could but she would go off and start talking about her life. With Kaya I could get my 5 minutes in the spot light.
" awe" cried Kaya into the phone after hearing my about my day .
" i will be fine" I said
" of course you will but what are you gonna do " pressed Kaya
"Figure out his problem with me"
"Yeah and Jayden" she asked
"Yeah I gotta break up with him"
"Duh. I can't see you staying with him any way girl"
I laughed " your right. He probably will find another girl friend quickly. He's use to one day relationships"
" oh hell yeah" laughed Kaya
May 6th, 2014
The next day Carter wasn't in school. I knew it was because of me and our fight. He was one of those people who would rather let things pass and forget they happened. But this ass seriously was mad at me for getting asked out.
When I got to science I felt so alone. Carter wasn't there to make me smile and he didn't ask to borrow me pencil. Jayden was there though. He came jn throwing a crumpled up paper into the recycling bin. When he sat next to me he immediately trow his arm across my shoulder and lean back in his chair. What is his problem with having an arm around someone I thought.
"Hey babe" he said
" hey" I said raising a brow. Now I could see y Sadie broke up with him last week. I was pretty sure light moved slower then this.
He then dropped his arm and started doodling war all over the assignment.
" what's your deal with war" I said pointing to the doodles.
" I don't know.  I guess I like it"
" ok so how do u want to start the procedure"I said
" I don't know Do you have 11 protons? 'Cause you're Sodium fine!" He said with a half smile.
" nice pick up line where u get that one from"
" brothers"
"Makes sense"
" sure"
We then actually worked on the assignment or should I say I worked on it and he copied me or doodle on his paper.
At the end of class I know I had to break up with him. I then taped him on the shoulder.
" Jayden I think we are better as friends"I said. Better to rip the damn bandage off
" ok whatever you want" he said with no expression " hey Alex. Wanna date"
" yeah "said Alex turning around.
Well that worked for me. I just really wish Carter was here ; maybe his brother know something I didn't.
The only time I could see Forest was at 6th period social studies so I had some time to spare.
Forest was nothing like Carter. Forest was very tall and a little bit more smart. He was definitely more mature. Yet he was so annoying. He alway thought he was right. What I hated most was he always wore the same old underarm blue sweat shirt. Everyday like he never washed it. It made me so annoyed like change your style up sometimes.
" hey forest" I said rolling my eyes and regretting talking to him
" hi Sofia" Forest  said oddly as if awkwardly
" I was wondering where  your brother was"
"Oh he was sick" said Forest making quotes with his hands
"With what"
" who knows he probably faked it"
" oh"
"Yeah didn't you two have a fight the other day maybe that's why he fake beings sick"
" oh ok" now I don't like to be right all the time but yeah I usually am! What an ass.
Could carter be really mad at me for something he shouldn't care about. My life.

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