The Young Years: Chapter 4

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"I was wondering," he paused "if u would go out with me."
"Carter really" I asked
This took me by surprise. I didn't know what so say I was so shocked.
"Carter, I need time to think. I'm so surprised. You're like my brother."
"So no?" he said, disappointed.
"Give me until after lunch and I will have Stephanie tell you."
"Why Stephanie ?"
"Me and her have to help Miss Cran make shirts." I said rolling my eyes with a sigh.
"Ok." I said smiling and when he smiled I continued to smile.
Class ended and I started to head out the door. Then Jillian came storming towards me.
"What did you say??" said Jillian out of breath.
"I said I will think about it" I stated confidently as I tried to balance the books in my hand.
"By the way what were you two talking about" I said to Jillian.
"Well Carter was telling me how he was going to ask you out because he thinks you love him."
"What?" I said questionably
"He said u wrote 'Love Sofia' in his notebook"
"And that mean nothing '" I said shuddering
"Well what are you gonna say?" She said too eagerly
"I don't know anymore" I said shaking my head.
We then reached the cafeteria. I instantly could smell the fresh pizza, it was warm in there too. Jillian and I needed to go our separate ways, so Jillian went to the third row of tables and sat in the first seat. I went to the first row three seats in. Stephanie and Kaya  came in and seat next to me.
"Sofia" screamed Stephanie. I loved Stephanie she was so enthusiastic I couldn't help but laugh every time she walks into a room.
"Hey guys" I said
We gossip for like the whole lunch. I couldn't find the will to tell them.
What was I going to do?
I could tell that they knew something was wrong with me cause Kaya had this weird glance she kept giving me.
Carter was my best friend and I didn't like him that way. At least I thought.
But he was really cute and super sweet. What if things ended badly.
I didn't know what to do, but I always trusted my gut so whatever word comes out of my mouth I knew it would be for the best.
The second the bell rang telling second lunch was over and me and Stephanie had to go see miss cran to help out with her whole freshman t-shirt project.
At that point I had to at least explain to Stephanie what happened so she could pass on my answer.
"Omg" her eyes were practically popping out of her head "what do you want me to say"
"Yes" I said confidently
"Ah omg!!" before I could even regret my choice, Stephanie was racing toward Carter screaming, "she said yes! she said yes!"
I looked over at him and he was smiling the biggest smile in the world.
I started laughing it was funny how big he smiled. But it was cute too. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad.

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