The Young Years: Chapter 13

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July 18th , 2014
"Can you help me put on my water shoes. My mama says I can't go in the ocean without them" said lilly
"Of course" I smiled
Grabbed the pink water shoes out of the floral book pack I placed them gently on her small feet. I watched as she jumped up and ran towards the ocean.
I smiled as I leaned back on my arms and watched as most of my kids splashed around in the water.
"Hey Sofia you got my shift" yelled Jessie
I gave her a nod. What she was basically asking was if I would do her shift in water duty which was basically going in the water and playing with the kids.
I had 30 minutes before her, well mine, shift. As I laid on the beach watching as my kids dug to China. I felt a buzz on my thigh. I had a text.
Opening it I saw I had a. message on my phone from Kyle "hey so sorry"
"Sorry about what" I replied
"Oh what"
"Carter may or may not being breaking up with u"
"R u kidding me"
"He said he sent it last night"
"I never got a break up text from him or even a normal text!"
"I ain't gonna be Carters messenger but he said he broke up with you. I'm gonna kill him"
I didn't answer. I was shocked and angry. At this point lava was shooting out of me. I was furious. The worse part of this all was I believed him yesterday. After everything he said to me. This is how he breaks up with me. I was an idiot a complete idiot.
I some how manage to keep me cool and shed no tears while my parents brought me home. The second I reached my room though all hell broke lose. I lost it. Silent tears flowed faster then Niagara Falls.
My hand shock as I dialed Kaitlin's number.
"Hey" my voice cracked
"Omg what's wrong" she practically scream
"Can you please come over I just need someone"
"Already there" said Kaitlin
Kaitlin was one of those friends that you can always count on. We meet in middle school but for high school she decided not to go to Mount Hope and went to East Providence instead. Why I don't know, but some how we still manage to be great friends.
I then heard a knock at my door. Using the other stair case closest to my room I snuck Kaitlin in a gave a shout to my mom that Kaitlin was here. I noticed Kaitlin had her vara Bradley tote bag in hand. I gave her a confused face before she pulled out  2 tubes of Ben and jerry Oreo ice cream.
"Hey" she said with sad eyes
"Hey" I whispered
"Awe Sofia" she cried wrapping her arms around me.
Stepping onto my bed my head fell on her shoulder as more Silenus tears stained her shirt.
Wiping my eyes I whimpered "I'm sorry"
"Hey no problem I hated this shirt anyways" I gave a small laugh. 
She open both tubes of ice cream and handed one to me with a medal spoon stuck in the middle of it.
We each started scooping ice cream into our mouths as I cried.
"I really liked him I really did" I said half sobbing half stuffing my face with ice cream. I knew it was a huge cliché but it's what we did. It really did help.
"I know I know he was a jerk. He didn't deserve you" said Kaitlin with one arm hugging me.
"But that's the thing he isn't" I sobbed "he was so sweet to me in school. What happened! It's all my fault"
"He was the biggest jerk in middle school. You know what he did to Mallory and Genis. Everyone hates him. You've always been the only one who hasn't"
I sighed. It was true everyone hated him. I don't know why I didn't. I always believed it was because I had not reason to until now.
In 40 minutes we finish both tubes of ice cream. Even my tears we finished. Probably because I cried all the tears I had. My fave was a puffy mess now.
"Look on the bright side" started Kaitlin "you are now single and ready to mingle with a better boy" she shock my shoulder.
I laughed
"It will be ok" she said.
My heart was broken.
July 19th, 2014
The next morning I woke up not wanting to do anything. I was in complete minor depression. I made the excuse I wasn't feeling well was an attempt to get out of going to my moms 7 hour hair appointment with my brother forcing my to take him to game stop.
As much as I didn't even wanna get dress I through on my blue plaid t-shirt with some jeans. I was just brushing my hair when I heard the doorbell ring.
Putting down my hair brush I went to my front door. Twisting the door knob open I saw him. I saw Carter standing in front of me. I couldn't breathe. I felt my anxiety rising. I would have felt safer if a guy holding a gun stood at my door. 
His voice was like a sweet venom as I heard "i just wanted to talk to you". Hearing his voice alone made me weak.
"What do u want" I whisper. I wanted to be stronger show him he doesn't affect me but not even Leonardo DiCaprio himself could pull it off.
I walked out the door closing it behind me forcing Carter to move back. I sat at the edge of my cement stairs and Carter say besides me. He was so close to me but there was still a distance between but. The distance felt like my safety zone.
"What do you want" I said quietly
"I'm sorry" he said trying to look into my eyes "Listen I can't help that I'm not interested. I'm sorry but this was a mistake"
"What do u mean" I said on the verge of tears.
"I love still love Genis.  How couldn't I"
Genis was Carter girlfriend before me. They broke up 2 months before we dated. The amusing part wasI know for a fact she likes Nyden. But it didn't helps pain.
"Genis" more tears came
"Yeah shes great. I just love her. I missed her so much"
"Get out" I said under my breath
"What" he said ducking his head down to my level.
"Get out" I screamed feeling more tears rush to my
"Sofia you have to understand" he started
"No I don't" I said standing in front  of him "you use to be my best friend and now I swear if I ever see your face I will personally kill you. go away"
Fear raced across his eyes. I watched as he began running down my drive way. Like I said you can get anywhere in Bristol by walking.
I feel to knees right as he turned the corner. I didn't care that the bricks we scraping my knee. That pain was nothing compared to my heart braking.

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