Tha Young Years: Chapter 21

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September 21th, 2014
It was 6:00 when I got to regal cinema.
Kaitlin was already there and she was pacing back and forth
"What's wrong" I said hugging
"I'm nervous"
"About what"
"About what Travis will think"
"Kaitlin you can't worry him or else I will start to worry. just be yourself"
"I know I know but I don't how aren't you nervous"
"Because if I was I would make a fool of myself. just breath and relax"
"Ok ok"
"I'll get the tickets and you wait for him ok"
I then went to buy 4 tickets to longest ride. when I got back Kyle was already there. I ran towards him embracing him. he held my waist tight to him. I pulled away loping straight into his soft eyes.he released me turning towards Kaitlin.
"Hey Kaitlin" he said
"Hey Kyle"said Kaitlin
"She nervous" I whispered into his ear he nodded.
Travis then walked. Travis is somewhat attractive. he has light brown hair and some muscle to him. his smile is perfect thou with white teeth. he is also skinny and very athletic. I saw him going straight towards Kaitlin.he gives her a hug and she smiles brightly. he whispers "hey" and she says "hey" back.
"Hey Sofia" he says
"Hello Travis" I snarl
"Be nice"Kyle whispers
"Hey Kyle" says Travis
"Sup Travis" says Kyle
"So I was think me and Kyle should probably get some seats and maybe you two could get two things of popcorn" I say
"Sure" says Kaitlin smiling at me brightly. I a was happy for Kaitlin she picked a really cute guy it's just I don't trust anyone who I haven't meet more then twice.
Kyle picks a middle seat in the middle.
"Is this good for you" he says
"Perfect.What do you think of Travis" I say
"He's a good guy I wouldn't worry Sofia. you need to trust Kaitlin"
"I do it's just"
"Kyle you know it isn't completely his fault"
"Sofia can I ask you something"
"If you never dated Carter would you differently about love"
"Kyle can I tell you something"
"No matter what happened to me because of Carter or not the one thing I still believe is that I am happier with you then I would ever be with anyone else. you open my eyes to a new look in love"
He looks at me and closes his eyes leaning into me. he want to kiss me and I want to kiss him more than anything in the whole world but Kaitlin and Travis walks in so I pull away so I could follow my own rule.
"Hey" says Kaitlin
"Hey" I reply
Travis hand me a medium popcorn which I hand to Kyle.
I look at him and notice he has a little bit of pink lipstick near his lip. me and him r going to chat later but right now I just want to be with Kyle.
I look at him and notice he has a little bit of pink lipstick near his lip. me and him r going to chat later but right now I just want to be with Kyle.
I barely  watched the movie the whole movie I spent the whole time talking to Kyle. it usually would be fine if I could whisper which I can't. a lady probably in her 100s yelled at me to shut up hick made me and Kyle laugh.
By the middle of the movie Kyle yawn slowly putting his arm around my chair. I could tell he was too nervous to really make a move so I helped him out by putting my head into his shoulder. his arm then slid to my shoulder rubbing it gently. his hand were really warm it was amazing.
By the end of the movie I was sleeping on Kyle's shoulder. he shock me.
"Good morning sleeping beauty"he said
"What" I said blinking my eyes
"You fell asleep"
"Ya" interrupted Travis
"Hey Sofia Travis is going to take me home text you tomorrow" said Kaitlin
"Ok bye" I said hugging Kaitlin
Travis then took her hand leading her out of the theater.
"Let go" said Kyle taking my hand
"I'm coming" I laughed
he dragged me out the theater
"What's the hurry" I said catching my breath
He closes his eyes and leans into me kissing my softly on the lips. I stand in my toe to reach his height. he put his hand behind my head pushing my lips closer to him. he lips are so soft and he is so warm. I wish I could stay like this forever. but he pulls away and I fall back into my heels.
I look into his eyes.
"Wow"I say
"Sorry but couldn't do that in FROUNT of Travis"
"Aw to bad"
He takes my hand and kisses it.
We go our separate ways. life is good I think after every bad thing life is good.

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