The Young Years: Chapter 6

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June 9th, 2016
It was a few day later and I was at my house taking to Kaya.
"So how are you and Carter doing" she said while painting my nails a black and gold pattern with the only gold being my middle finger.
"Good. I just wish we could talk more then just in school" I said disappointedly
"Maybe you could" said Stephinie with a half smile.
"What do u mean"
"Well Carter has a vine"
"A what"
"Vine it pretty cool. You basically post videos and you can text on it"
"Yeah you should get it then you two can text"
"I don't know"
"Come on you complain to much actually try to solve u problems"
"Alright alright" I said as I handed her my phone. My nails were still wet so I instructed her to open my
Phone and get the app.
"Ok don't do anything yet I am going to text carter " said Kaya texting on her phone.
"You have his vine thingy" I asked shocked
"Yeah I mean like we never have texted before but I just follow to get more followers"
I nodded
When I look over her shoulder I saw she texted him " Sofia is getting a vine so you two can talk"
Carter instantly texted back which was no shocker since he always gets in trouble for being on his phone "oh cool what's her thing" Kaya then texted him my username .
I then got a text "hi". I then replying "hey"
I could feel the whole damn roger Williams zoo in my heart.
I didn't text end up replying much. Instead I texting "ttyl"
I considered it rude to text him with Kaya being her hanging out with me.
We hung out for hours gossiping and I ended up doing her nails too. It honestly was relaxing knowing that my first relationship was going right  
June 11th, 2014
The sun had already set. I already took a shower and was studying for all my finals while a mixer of green day, fall out boy and 5sos blasted through my head phones.
Looking down at my lit up phone I saw Carter texted 2 minutes ago "sorry I haven't texted in a while been at baseball games"
"Oh cool how did you guys do"
"7 to 2"
"Wow you guys are good" I replied
"Yeah I guess"
"Maybe I should one of your games😂" I jokes
"Sure we are having one on Saturday"
"Oh. cool. I guess I will try to come"
"See you at school"
" yah"
Putting down my phone I could feel my anxiety rising. It wasn't such a big deal to go to his game but I didn't know what to expect. I haven't really been on a date or saw him outside of school. It felt strange to think that I was going to go to this. Not to mention most of the freshmen boy were in his team.
June 12th, 2014
At school, I met up with Kaya after seeing her walking through the halls.
"Hey." I said
"Hey. What's up"
"Not much but what would it take to get to drag u to a baseball game this Saturday"
She rolled her in annoyance "what did you do"
"Nothin I swear" I said raising my hand in defeat "I might have promised Carter to watch his game"
"Y" she groaned
"I don't know"
"How the hell don't you know"
"I was just joking around about going but he took it literally and now wants me to go"
She let out a long breath. Taking a stop by the wooden door that lead to her first period French class she turned to me "let me get back to you"
I gave her a side hug and headed off to my Spanish 2 class with a quick "see yah"
Spanish 2 was hard as always. Señora dunlop literally only spoke Spanglish(Spanish and English). So if u space out for a second you miss everything. It's annoying considering I space out all the time. By the end of class I had a whole essay to writing in Spanish comparing a Spanish life style to an American plus study for an exam.
If that didn't aggravate me enough I caught sight of forest running up to me.
"Hi..." I said, allowing him to catch his breath.
"Hey" he said bent over, his hands on his knees.
"Are u coming to my baseball game to see Carter?"
"He sucks"
"You seriously came to tell me that" I said rolling my eyes and began walking away.
Soon Carter came into view from the corner of my eye. I look like he was running after forest considering he too was out of breath.
"Don't listen to him he's a Douchebag." He said completely out of breath
Forest came behind Carter and said "You suck at baseball Carter."
"I bet he doesn't." I said annoyed
"Watch he gonna make a fool of himself" laughed forest
Carter had a hard glare on forest. Forcing forest to walk a way. I was grateful for his disappearance. Just looking at him already made me want to punch him.
"I'm glad he's gone" I laughed as Carter began walking with me our last period science class.
"Yeah sorry. I know how you feel about him" he said looking
"I feel dead about him but whatever. So where is this game?"
"Vets park at 4:00"
"Ok I'll be there"
"You know you don't have to go" he said looking at me
"No I want to see u play"
"I kinda suck"

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