The Young Years: Chapter 3

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I went home that that day feeling mad and annoyed. I was one of those people you call independent. I never like or needed people's options.
May 7th, 2014
The next day at school I just wanted to be left alone but since 1st period creative writing and Kayas 1st period history were in the same wing I had to walk with her. I held my books in front of me. When I turned the corner I felt something hit me hard. I closed my eyes. I felt something push me to the ground like a wrecking ball hitting a wall. As I feel on the ground I opened my eyes. My books were scattered everywhere on the floor. I couldn't get up though, something was on top of me. I then saw Carter was on top of me. His books were scattered too. His hands were placed past my head spread out. Carter instantly rolled off me, gathered his book and walked away fast. Kaya gathered my books and helped me up.
" Are you ok" said her eyes bigger then her head.
"I think" I said as looked at my arms examining for something but found nothing.
"I can't believe Carter didn't help up or even say a word"
" He's mad at me"
"That's no excuse" said Kaya with a snarl.
"Let's gets going and forget it. I'll beat his ass later" I laughed ignoring all the states from hysteric sophomores.
When when last period science came Jayden was sitting with Alex which forced Carter to sit next to me. When he took his seat he turned towards me.
"I'm sorry" he said quickly
"for what"
"For falling on you and not saying sorry or helping you. Are you ok"
"Yeah you"
"So are you still mad at me" I said staring at my converse.
"No" he sighed
As if by magic Carter and I were back to normal. We were friends again. But there was still tension between us and I couldn't pin point it.
June 2nd, 2014
June rolled around faster then wanted. Of course it wasn't quite sunny Sumer yet considering in Rhode Island summer doesn't start till July.
When I got to school I took my seat near the fan so I wouldn't get to hot. Today the year books came out and I didn't get one for I didn't care about remembering my freshman year. I mean a $30 book of picture of people I either didn't know or hated didn't seem worth it. I had plenty of pictures of my friends on my phone. Now that's free memories.
" hey" said Carter holding his year book under his arm. His hair was so adorable today it was perfectly sweeper to the right today and he was wearing a blue plaid elbow length shirt. I couldn't understand why all of a sudden have I notice how he looked b
"sup" I said casually
"Nothing much can u sign my year book"
"Yeah of course". I grabbed the blue ink joy pen he was holding and as neat as I could wrote 'have a great summer love Sofia'. When I finished he look at the message I wrote and smile as he said"thank u"
"No prob" I replied
He then went back to his seat which was across from me and started talking to Jillian. Rest my arms behind my head and relaxing I couldn't help but notice that he kept pointing to something in his year book and Jillian kept arguing. This  was strange.
I felt my face scrunch up.
Jillian then trow her arm up and screamed "whatever" as if she surrendered.
Carter then started walking towards me.
"Hey" he said nervously
"Hey" I said suspicious
"So"I repeated
"I was wondering.................

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