Chapter 51: Late night visits

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----------Percy's POV: -----------

I should probably start learning to have more self-preservation. 

That was the first thought that came to my obviously delirious mind.

Everything was dark, though that was probably due to the fact that my eyes were shut. My eyelids were heavy, and my limbs felt a bit stiff, but otherwise I seemed to be okay. Maybe I should've rested like the doctor said. 

I was warm, something soft laid on top of me, its heaviness placed near the foot of wherever I was.

The sounds of distant talking filled my ears, the voices too distant and quiet to have any real clarity. 

With a deep breath I opened my eyes, the sight of old wood and drawings filling my vision as I looked up at the celling. I was sat beside a window, the sun pouring through gave way for me to see the clouds hanging out in the rich blue sky. It had to have been the most beautiful sky I'd ever seen or remember that is. 

I pushed myself up, my surroundings looking only as what I can describe as a cabin, the area being built mainly of wood, a bookshelf was in the corner, accompanied by some metal bits, a plant, and a knife. One of those things was not like the other but who was I to judge someone's hobbies. 

I looked at the end of the bed to see...Ms. O'Leary?! The dog was sleeping lazily, her back pressed against the bed as she wagged her tail. She must've been having a nice dream. 

Speaking of dreams, that last one was crazy. To think I'd be stupid enough to believe I had powers. I had to be somewhere with Bruce and the kids. Maybe I was just so tired that I don't remember us travelling. That's the only reasonable explanation here. 

I leaned over, ignoring the discomfort in my gut as I pet Ms. O'Leary, her ears perking up as she turned, quickly setting her sights on me, her face looking almost as if she were smiling. She barked happily, licking my face rapidly, her paws now resting on my shoulders. I laughed, running my fingers through her fur as I pet her excitedly, trying my best to match her energy. 

The voice stopped and the sudden sounds of footsteps running towards my room guided my attention to the door. 

The sudden appearance of golden blonde hair and wide grey eyes caught my attention quickly and I felt myself stop, Annabeth staring at me with a growing smile on her face. 


She bolted at me, her sweet laughter filling the air as she wrapped her arms around me, the warmth of her skin confirming that I was indeed awake. I took a second to process before wrapping my arms around her as well, the feeling was almost nostalgic. Others joined behind her, first Jason and Hazel then Frank and Piper, and finally Leo who vaulted over Frank to push in front of him. 

It wasn't long before I had my arms around a ton of crying people, laughter and crying making for a very awkward yet amazing atmosphere. I couldn't fit my arms around them all, but I damn sure tried. Something about the situation felt so familiar. 

"gods Percy! You scared us!!" Leo yelled, pulling back slightly and I could see he was crying but he was trying to keep his voice steady. "I almost had to send robots out to look for you!" He said, almost as if it was a threat. 

I chuckled. "I'm sorry for scaring you all! I'll try not to do it again!" 

Annabeth scoffed in my shoulder. "Heard that one before. Come up with a better promise." She said, her smile carrying through her tone. I smiled as well. While I wasn't entirely sure what they were talking about I was just glad to be back and be able to figure out what happened. 

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