Chapter 27: The Redhead Bids Me Goodbye...I Think?

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-----------------Percy's POV:---------------

The cool air was a nice contrast to the warmth on my cheeks. I was only slightly glad when Bruce had decided to join me in looking out towards the gorgeous garden if only to hide the growing red on my face. 

While I still think Bruce shouldn't have, I was grateful to him for giving me the jacket. It was colder out here and without my hoodie to cover my arms I was more aware of the coolness surrounding me. Not to mention it smelled strongly of cologne. 

After a few minutes the warmth subsided, and I felt comfortable looking over again. 

I turned to see Bruce staring intently at the garden, his blue eyes shining in the lights. It was a difference from the usual cool look, but it was a nice difference. 

"If you get to know about me, how about you tell me a bit about yourself?" I asked, turning to face him. 

"Well, what do you not know about me? I mean most of it's on the internet anyways." 

I felt myself frown slightly. Sure, I'd known he was popular but his life being broadcasted over the internet, that seemed a bit extreme. 

"I don't really know anything really, well aside from the fact that you make a lot of money, though I think that comes with the territory of being an employee." This time Bruce looked surprised, though I noted the slight bit of happiness that crossed over his features. 

"That's... kinda refreshing actually." He nodded "Then I guess I'll start." 

He began talking about his younger years, starting on his parents, things they would do together and how he met Rachel, the woman he'd been comforting earlier. I couldn't help but smile through all that, but I could tell when things started taking a turn for the worse when he slowed down slightly, his face going a bit more towards the sad side as he began to talk about his parent's death. 

I could see the joy of talking about his past fade, his eyes losing the glint they'd obtained even though they reflected the lights from below. I felt myself frown with him as he went into a slight summary of what had happened and without really thinking about it I placed a hand on top of his. He paused, turning over to me, and for a second my heart seemed to stop. 

Had I overstepped?

The thought died quickly as he gave me a small nod and he returned the gesture, grabbing my hand as well. "Thanks"

I ignored the pounding in my chest as the coolness from the air was cut off and instead replaced by the warmth from his hand. "of course." 

He continued on, though he sounded much more confident than before, although he did seem to gloss over large chunks, I wasn't one to push. After he finished that part, he moved on to later in his life, glossing over his teen years as he started on when he adopted the kids. It was like a personality swap as his features lit up, he began going into detail of how he met and adopted the kids, not really going into their backgrounds as he didn't want to overstep their own boundaries.

I couldn't help but smile with him, the way he talked about them was sweet really, and while I did notice some tension when it came to Jason, I could still see there was love, while it may be strained, he cared none the less.  

I let him talk about whatever he wanted, munching on the last of the snacks that didn't have seafood in them, though at that point it was mainly just cookies and crackers, though I suppose I wasn't complaining. 

I could tell this wasn't something he got to do often as he stumbled over certain parts in stories, having to circle back and retell, though I wasn't complaining. In all honesty I was still internally freaking out over the fact that he hadn't let go of my hand, our fingers still firmly interlocked. 

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