Chapter 21: Having a child read to me

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————-Percy's POV:————

"Damien?" I asked, peaking my head inside.

He turned his head in my direction, his glare lightening slightly.

"Jackson, you have my meal correct?" I nodded, a small smile coming to my face as I walked further in.

His room was surprisingly super clean, the floor looked spotless and the tables didn't have a spec of dust. Even the bean bags placed near a corner were perfectly placed.

"Feel free to leave it at my desk, I shall eat later." I nodded, turning my attention to his desk that was covered in various school papers and writing tools.

I gently collected a group of papers with one hand before placing the plate on the empty spot.

I turned back to Damien who was sitting on the edge of his bed, squiring hard as he read over a book.

"Hey Damien?" I asked, his narrowed eyes turning to me.

"Jackson" he replied confidently.

"I wanted to thank you." I gave him a big smile. "You really didn't have to stand up for me earlier, I kinda just assumed you didn't like me so..."

Damiens face went slack for a second, one I barely managed to pick up. His face went back to its usual snotty look. "I wasn't sticking up for you, I was merely putting Jason in his place. So don't thank me" I could see a slight smile edging on his lips but I chose to ignore it.

"Right, well then... well I'm still going to stay thank you, but you don't have to accept." He nodded, crossing his arms. "Please, enjoy your breakfast. Alfred worked hard." He nodded again, turning back to his book as he squinted his eyes as if the words were super tiny.

My eyebrows furrowed slightly as I paused.

He seemed to be struggling, his eyes goin over one line over and over again. Eventually he let out a defeated sigh.

"Are you going to just stand there and watch me or are you going to help me Jackson?" I could feel my face go slack as I tried to look for a way out of this.

"I uh... well, I guess I can try" the sentence came out more hesitant then I'd like as I walked over to his bed, leaning over as I tried to look at the book. The book looked like a children's one, the words being bigger and bolder in order to fill up more space. "Let's see..."

It's like the letters were trying to evade me, swimming around in circles and confusing me as none of the words made sense. I could only let out a slight huff as I tried to concentrate but even then the letters refused to make a cohesive word.

"Maybe it's uh..." Damien looked at me with confusion.

"Can't you read?" He asked almost condescendingly.

I couldn't even make a sound as I continued to try and read the book, squinting my eyes like he had and still no dice.

Before I could try a new method Damien shut the book, forcing me to turn to look at him. "Jackson, can you read?"

"Well, no" I said a bit sadly and more then a bit embarrassed. "The letters just don't create words."

"So you have dyslexia?" He asked, setting the book to the side as he looked at me in an almost incredulous way.

"Yeah" I replied. "You seemed to be struggling as well though, you don't have it as well, do you?"

((AN: I head canon that since Cass and Damien were both raised to be killing machines they can't read well so this is not insulting his intelligence lol))

"No!" He practically yelled, putting his hands up. It was almost like he was angry. "Of course I can read! A child of Father could never not be able to read..." even as he said it I knew it wasn't true. Something about that wasn't correct.

"It's okay to not be able to read, or we'll struggle in your case." I sat on the bed, turning to look at him with a smile. "Just practice, unlike me you have a shot at getting good at reading, so give it a try alright?"

Damiens almost smile nearly came out again as he crossed his arms, letting out a huff. "Right, I was doing that any way but I guess you're right. At least I'm better off then you..." he paused, looking at me for a moment as he contemplated something. "But uh, you can stay and read with me if you like, I can read to you and maybe sound out the words?" I swear my smile hurt as I nodded.

"Yeah, sure! That sounds nice! We can start now if you like?" Damien nodded, shimming slightly as he made room for me to sit beside him, letting out a small cough to clear his throat.

"O...once upon a time!"

Bruce would just have to wait a bit longer.


By the time I left I'd really only managed to help Damien a few times but for the most part he was very self sufficient. I couldn't help but smile at the smile he had when he managed to figure out one of the bigger words by himself.

I hurried down the hall, hoping Bruce wouldn't be mad for being late not once but twice.

I could feel my stomach twist at the thought of potentially getting yelled at.

My steps seeming to quicken on their own.

When I reached Bruce's office I was let in with a simple "come in" no anger yet.

I walked in cautiously, finding the same sight I'd been accustomed to over the past few weeks that I'd worked here. Bruce hunched over his work as an almost miserable look seemed to span his features.

"Hello Bruce" I said with a small smile.

"Hello Percy" his voice wasn't where it was earlier, now much more distracted. I could feel my heart seem to fall a bit.

"I'll just-" id never really addressed the standing thing, and I guess using the day where I was late wouldn't usually be the best time to bring it up, I was gonna chance it. "I'm gonna take a seat" I walked over to the chair near the middle of the study, looking over and seeing that Bruce either didn't mind or didn't notice. Either way it was a win.

I let out a small sigh in relief for not getting yelled at as I looked forwards towards the painting on the wall. I'd often find myself looking at it but it looked to be a stunning painting of a beach, the waves looking calm
and luxurious. I could almost smell the sea rolling off of them.

"So you're sitting today? Are you sure everything is alright?" I looked over to see that Bruce was looking from beside his computer, his eyes looking intently.

"Yes" I said with a smile. "I'm fine, I guess I just wanted to sit" Bruce nodded turning back to his work.

"Alright. Just wanted to make sure" I turned back to the picture, my smile just a smidge bigger.

1194 words

Y'all I'm so tired lol ✨🥲✨ waking up at 6am is kicking my budonka. That's it tho, nothing important.

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