Chapter 11: Just keep dancing

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((Lots of time skips will be happening but that is only because I refuse to write the same thing for every day lol, so this time skip would be about two days))

—-----------Percy's POV: —-------------

I'd scowered across the entire internet for an apartment nearby, and every single one was either super expensive or so close to my current apartment that it really didn't make a difference.

Or so I'd thought.

The minute Bruce went onto his computer I swear it was like magic, it was like the first link he'd clicked on had a perfect fit, close enough to make my commute easy but also not so far that I wouldn't be able to visit Sam, Alyssa, and Luke.

That's what led me to now. The day I move in. Of course, I'd have to wait till 10 pm to start moving but that didn't really matter, all I knew was that I had a new, closer apartment.

Duke and Damien were currently at school leaving me at the manor cleaning. Over the past week I'd gotten pretty good at finding nooks and crannies, plus I think I'm getting faster.

I smiled to myself as I cleaned a table that was in the hallway, trying my best to ignore the pain that had collected itself in my calves over the past week. It wasn't anything awful, but it did hurt to walk occasionally.

As I wiped away the final bit of dust, I heard a noise from behind me. Confusion washed over me.

Weird, Alfred wasn't supposed to-

My thoughts stopped as I made eye contact with a guy who couldn't have been older than 20. Dark circles surrounded his eyes, and a laptop was tucked securely under his arm.

He blinked a couple times, rubbing his eyes once before he spoke. "Hello" he said quietly.

"Hello?" I replied, placing the wet rag down carefully as I turned my body so that I was completely facing him.

"You're...?" He asked, his finger pointing up to me cautiously.

"Percy" I said, trying my best to figure out whether or not I should be concerned.

Realization lit up his features as a small smile floated onto his lips and as he relaxed, I realized just how tense he'd been.

"So, you're Percy, I'm so sorry for not introducing myself sooner, I've been super busy" The guy walked over, extending his hand out for me to shake as he smiled, a smile that seemed to make him look 10x less sleepy. I could take some lessons.

I shook his hand, putting on a smile of my own. "It's no biggie, but uh, who are you?"

"Tim Drake, one out of the thousands of children Bruce has adopted." He let out a small chuckle and I couldn't help but admire how sweet he seemed. "But uh, I as well as most of the others, only live here part time, so you might see us pop in fr-"

"Percy!" I turned my attention to the side to see Dick lumbering down the hall, a massive grin on his face. "How've you been? Oh, and Tim! Well, it must be my lucky day!" He stopped beside us, and I released Tim's hand to greet Dick.

"I've been good, I got a new apartment, I should be moving in tonight" I smiled at the thought. I could only hope that my neighbor wasn't into loud music as well or might have to quit Gotham. I'm kidding...Mostly.

"Really! Are you finally not living an hour away!" I laughed nervously but nodded. Tim was giving me a weary look.

"Yeah, thankfully. Walking at night's pretty nerve wracking, even for me." Dick smiled.

"I'm sure you'll be okay; we got the city's superheroes on it."

Superheroes. I'd seen them on the news occasionally, but it was still weird to think about. People dressing up to take down bad guys? It sounded like a story some kid would make up but here it was, my present-day reality.

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