Chapter 31: Cigarettes Lead to Forgiveness

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----------Percy's POV: ------------

It didn't take me long to finish the dishes as well as cleaning my assigned rooms, so when finished I hurried over to the movie room, already hearing intense button smashing and minor yelling.

I turned the corner, peaking in to see Duke and Damien both sitting on bean bags, blankets strewn around them creating a hurricane of comfort items. A smile rose to my face, but it didn't stop the worry that had taken over since cleaning. I'd only had time to think about what had happened, the way the glass was suspended in midair like that. It couldn't be real. Even the thought made a bad feeling sink into my gut, though I could tell it was just nervousness. I mean, what if this was something relating to my condition. It had been getting better, what with some memories coming back, but now hallucinations?

My phone felt heavy in my pocket, weighing me down like it was trying to convince me to do something. I closed my eyes, removing myself from the door frame as I took a minute to breathe.

I could think about this later, for now though I needed to stick to my job. Routine had been working like Sam said, so maybe routine will continue to work. I tried to use the idea to sober my sinking stomach, but it didn't work quite as effectively as I'd liked. I took one final deep breath before opening my eyes and placing a smile on my face. Quickly I walked into the room, the two boys looking over.

As soon as Duke saw me, he smiled, waving to me with one hand while keeping the other gripped firmly around the game controller. Damien looked around Duke, leaning forwards to see me and I could see as he spotted me his face relaxed a bit, looking more confident then angry.

"Hey Percy, glad to see you made it." I nodded, giving him a smile as I hopped over blankets and pillows, eventually finding a nice spot behind the two but still having a nice view of the tv.

"Hey Duke, Damien, what're you two playing?" I asked, trying my best to identify the game but only coming up with blanks.

"We're playing Minecraft, here, we have a controller for you too" Damien said, stopping me before I could try to protest by shoving a controller in my direction.

"Oh, I'm not sure that's a great idea. I don't exactly play videogam-"

"You're gonna have to learn, because in this house, it's play, or be played." Duke gave me an ominous grin, one I didn't like much compared to his other, much nicer looks, but I nodded, accepting whatever advice I could get as I took the controller steady in my hand.

I nodded, doing as told as they instructed me on how to play. I admit, they were good teachers, and it didn't take long for me to learn how to play well enough to where they didn't have to scream at me on which buttons to use.

I got pretty into it, nearly forgetting the morning's troubles but still having that weird residual feeling.

"Percy! RUn!!" Duke yelled as he ran into a wall, forcing him to fall behind as the enderman chased us.

"I'm going!!" I yelled back, trying to get my character to run faster but to no avail.

"I swear if you two leave me!!" Damien tried but we had already exited the cave.

"Can I join?" My character's view went straight for the sky as I clicked the trigger button, the fist in the game hitting at air. I regained my sprint as I turned to the person besides me, soon finding it to be Cassandra, her face looking at me slightly worried.

"Is everything okay Percy?" I furrowed my brows putting a smile on my face.

"Yeah, of course I'm alright, how about you?" Cassandra pursed her lips, sitting beside me.

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