20|flowers and coffins

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Assessment weeks were the hardest,but I was grateful for the distraction as I got something else to focus on instead of thinking of Kyrie all the time,I couldn't with him,not anymore.

Furia was barely ever in the house long enough to talk to us,always out hanging out with Mist. I mean really,even a blind man could see what was going on between those two,even Tangerine had burst out laughing,shaking his head as he said,
"That nigga really is gay,shoulda known those Barbie dolls played off reflection of Venus...man ain't that a Kendrick Lamar lyric?"

I wish I was like Tangerine,just happy orange haired tangerine who worked as a sales representative and was always high. You'd expect that from Everest or sumn,but oh well. 

After my science classes,I packed my shit up neatly in my bag and put on my sunhat and leather gloves as our little group of 10 students left the laboratory and passed through the gates. To my dismay,Kyrie and his own friends(thankfully male) were already standing outside,and I almost clawed my eyes out when Ju Young pushed me in his direction,Kyrie grinning and waving me over when he noticed.

We walked up to the bus stop and he held my umbrella up for both of us,laughing when I tried to smack the back of his head after he tried to keep the shade the umbrella provided from me,asshole. "If you ain't finna hold my shit right,just gimme my damn umbrella damn!"
He laughed,poking my forehead as he pulled me onto the sidewalk and pushed a braid out of my face,
"Why always so angry,Ma?" I shook my head,smiling slightly as he looked down at my lips and licked his own,his hand resting on the back of my neck.

"You're beautiful." I wasn't,really. I had eyebags and my braids were old and I had acne-my face resembled chocolate coated nuts...
"Tchh,get glasses," I waved it off,holding the strap of his bag as he took me in,my face,my nose,my lips...my eyes. His eyes twinkled as he lowered his head and left a lingering kiss on my forehead,grinning as he succeeded in making me turn red,forehead kisses were my weakness, especially the ones from him.
God! Had he been told how his eyes were caramel and honey when the sun reflected off them?that little bit of sweat on the tip of his nose made him so admirable? He had to know he was hot,
My heart beat fast again,butterflies dancing in my stomach as I looked up at him,lips parted as I watched his wet tongue drift across his lip. I think he could read my thoughts right then,cause he kissed me so hard my stomach exploded and I felt light,like I'd finally reached heaven,
We pulled back for air,and I giggled,turning bright pink as I ended my laugh with a snort,my tears running to my eyes at the embarassment when he suddenly laughed,a real laugh.
A laugh that made his eyes wrinkle,
That made his nose scrunch up,
That gave him a lopsided grin- all me,and I laughed even harder.

I sat on the bench,looking up as he kissed me again,harder this time,my lips swollen when he pulled back with an unexplained fascination," God!" He breathed,rubbing his thumb on my forehead as he bent to my level and said,
"Ion think I'll ever get used to the taste of your lips,strawberry and innocence...I like it. Well Ma,imma head home now. You be safe though," he kissed me where his thumb had just been,and he ran across the street,watching me with a grin before he ran across the street again,getting on his knees infront of me-he dwarfed me,legit. He was face to face wimme when he was on his knees infront of me like this.
He pulled me into a soul crushing hug,my nostrils filling with his scent as I snuggled closer into his hard chest,savouring the warmth I felt from his arms around my head like that,it felt good,and his narrow waist felt good in my own arms. He ran off after that,but not before kissing me behind the ear,mumbling a goodness gracious with a grin.

If only I'd known that'd be the memory I'm most fond of,the last serene moment we'd have,
Our last walk together, I would've held him tighter.

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